
identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ]  [aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ] 






identify 基本解释

及物动词确定; 识别,认出; 使参与; 把…看成一样

不及物动词确定; 认同

identify 相关词组

1. identify oneself with : 与...打成一片;

identify 相关例句



1. I cannot identify this signature.

2. Never identify opinions with facts.

3. The markings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify.

4. She identified him as her attacker.


1. I identified with the heroine of the novel.

identify 情景对话

Inquiring about products-(询问产品)

A:You seem to be interested in our new J7 cellular telephone. Would you like to know more about it?
      您似乎对我们新型的J7 行动电话很感兴趣。您想知道更多的信息吗?

B:Yes, I would. What does this button here do?

A:That button is for our call screening function. It allows you to identify the caller before you answer the call.

B:What else can you tell me about this phone?

A:This special phone utilizes state-of-the-art technology to bring you several unique functions in addition to the call screening feature.

B:So, what are the unique functions?

A:Oh, it's loaded with them. If you are outside of your service area, this cell phone can still receive messages.

B:No kidding?

A:In addition to that, it has a vibration feature that will let you know when you have a call if you don't want the ringing sound to interrupt important meetings. Here is our brochure with all the details.

B:What is the price of the J7 model?
      J7 这一型的价格是多少?

A:The list price is US$110 per unit. We're offering a special in-show discount of 10%.

B:Well, I'll have to contact my office and get back to you. Thanks.

identify 网络解释

1. 识别:从某一收藏(现实的或虚拟的)中发现(find)书目资源, 包括:查到(locate)单个资源;查到(locate)下列成套资源:2) 识别(identify)一个书目资源或代理者(即确认记录所描述的实体对应于所查找的实体,

2. 标识:在Unix系统中,我们常见的访问控制形式为 用户权限矩阵(Permiss-ion Matrix) 模型 和访问控制表(ACL) 模型,权限矩阵是Unix默认的访问控制形式,而ACL在各种认证: 标识(Identify)和鉴别(Authenticate).

3. 辨认:2 教授说自己很牛,见到一种网就可以辨认(identify)出蜘蛛的种类,有如看到她办公室里的日本工艺品那样,可以辨认出作者. 5 教授的同事(associate; collegue;workmate)在秘鲁发现了一种不对称、不规则(irregular)的网,一半是辐射(radiate)型,

4. 认出:至少有两重意义至为关键:一方面,在社会的认同中,自我必须能透过生活实践辨认出(identify)一己身之所属;另一方面,人在自我确认的漫长过程中,又无法不受别人对自己认同与否、如何认同所深深影响.

identify 词典解释

1. 认出;识别;分辨出
    If you can identify someone or something, you are able to recognize them or distinguish them from others.

    e.g. There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can identify a Hollywood epic...
    e.g. I tried to identify her perfume...

2. 确认;指认;验明
    If you identify someone or something, you name them or say who or what they are.

    e.g. Police have already identified around 10 murder suspects...
    e.g. The reporters identified one of the six Americans as an Army Specialist...

3. 发现;察觉
    If you identify something, you discover or notice its existence.

    e.g. Scientists claim to have identified natural substances with cancer-combating properties...
    e.g. Having identified the problem, the question arises of how to overcome it.

4. 是…的标志;显示出
    If a particular thing identifies someone or something, it makes them easy to recognize, by making them different in some way.

    e.g. She wore a little nurse's hat on her head to identify her...
    e.g. His boots and purple beret identify him as commanding the Scottish Paratroops.

5. 认同;理解;体会
    If you identify with someone or something, you feel that you understand them or their feelings and ideas.

    e.g. She would only play a role if she could identify with the character...
    e.g. I could speak their language and identify with their problems because I had been there myself.

6. 把…(与…密)切联系;认为…(与…)有关联
    If you identify one person or thing with another, you think that they are closely associated or involved in some way.

    e.g. She hates playing the sweet, passive women that audiences identify her with...
    e.g. The candidates all want to identify themselves with reform.

identify 单语例句

1. The reports by the Beijing Times and Beijing Morning Post didn't identify the buyer.

2. identify

2. The Mexicans by and large do not identify themselves with mainstream Americans whether they were born inside or outside the United States.

3. Local media reported that the boy was able to identify himself by name.

4. Local media reported the boy was able to identify himself by name, but it was unclear whether the father had been identified.

5. identify

5. Or show that an album is not just a piece of merchandise, but can be something by which you identify yourself.

6. identify的近义词

6. Cai had to spend hours a day searching databases his journal subscribes to in order to identify plagiarism or copyright infringements.

7. identify

7. Surveys have shown that women are more likely to identify themselves as early birds, while more men call themselves night owls.

8. He did not identify the instructor or the soldier, who are shown in camouflage uniforms in a forest.

9. China Life Asset Management Co Ltd and Aetos Capital LP have formed a strategic partnership to identify and evaluate real estate investment opportunities throughout China.

10. The agreement should provide a framework to identify principles for free flow of goods, capital and entrance.

identify 英英释义



1. consider to be equal or the same

    e.g. He identified his brother as one of the fugitives

2. recognize as being
    establish the identity of someone or something

    e.g. She identified the man on the 'wanted' poster

    Synonym: place

3. identify as in botany or biology, for example

    Synonym: discover key key out distinguish describe name

4. consider (oneself) as similar to somebody else

    e.g. He identified with the refugees

5. conceive of as united or associated

    e.g. Sex activity is closely identified with the hypothalamus

6. give the name or identifying characteristics of
    refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property

    e.g. Many senators were named in connection with the scandal
           The almanac identifies the auspicious months

    Synonym: name