
illiteracy [ɪ'lɪtərəsɪ]  [ɪˈlɪtərəsi] 


illiteracy 基本解释


illiteracy 反义词


illiteracy 网络解释

1. 文盲:文盲(Illiteracy):野蛮人是唯一不懂如何阅读写字的职业. 野蛮人可以针对所有自己会说的语言,花费2点技能点数,得到读写这些语言的能力. 野蛮人若有兼职,在兼职的职业升级的时候,会自动获得读写能力,但是其他职业若有兼职野蛮人,

2. 文盲;不識字:Illegal income 非法所得 | Illiteracy 文盲;不识字 | Imhof procedure 恩霍夫准则

3. 不識字;文盲:unstable 不穩重的 | illiteracy 不識字;文盲 | non-conjugated 不變化的;無詞尾變化的

4. 文盲,无知:illiquid 非现金的;无流动资金的 | illiteracy 文盲,无知 | imbalance 不平衡,不均衡

illiteracy 词典解释

1. 文盲
    Illiteracy is the state of not knowing how to read or write.

illiteracy 单语例句


1. It has been reported that people taking part in illiteracy eradication programmes were told not to take part in the final exams.

2. One simple measure would be to put illiteracy eradication professionals on the government payroll.

3. The illiteracy rate in Tibet was 95% before the democratic reform.

4. illiteracy的反义词

4. What appalls the public in both cases is the gangsters'alleged illiteracy, indifference to the infants'survival and the active involvement of medical workers.

5. How schoolteachers in China's villages helped to fight illiteracy in the early decades of New China is well documented in many books.

6. Chen also briefed the participants on the progress that China has made in wiping out its once high illiteracy rates.

7. Most Indian women receive far less education than men and are weighed down by illiteracy, poverty and low social status.

8. illiteracy什么意思

8. Those in favor of simplified spelling say children would learn faster and illiteracy rates would drop.

9. Computer or web illiteracy is the biggest barrier denying the access to the web in China.

10. illiteracy的翻译

10. The recruitment of insurgents is greatly facilitated by high unemployment, linked largely to high rates of illiteracy.

illiteracy 英英释义



1. illiteracy

1. an inability to read

    Synonym: analphabetism

2. illiteracy的解释

2. ignorance resulting from not reading