
image [ˈɪmɪdʒ]  [ˈɪmɪdʒ] 









image 基本解释

名词影像; 肖像; 概念,意向; 镜像,映像

及物动词反映; 想像; 作…的像; 象征

image 情景对话


A:We want to use the right marketing mix to reach our target market.

B:Certainly. We've done some tactical planning already. We think we've come up with a good plan.

A:What media do you plan to use?

B:Well, taking into account the image you want to project, we've asked our copywriters to prepare copy for computer magazines and the internet first.

A:So that way, our advertising dollars would be focused on people we know are computer users.

B:Yes. We'll also run billboard and newspaper ads to help create broad brand recognition.

A:Will there be any direct mail?

B:No. That would not be correct for a manufacturer like you. Leave that to the retailers.

A:Good point. Please prepare a more detailed proposal, and then I'll pitch it to the higher-ups.

B:Great. We'll get started right away.

image 网络解释


1. 显示图象:还有,在设置一项中,如果你想上网省点银子,可以选择使用少些色彩,不显示图象(image)等,大家可以根据自己的实际情况来设定. 下面是笔者用小七上友人网的几张截图:

image 词典解释

1. (头脑中的)形象,概念
    If you have an image of something or someone, you have a picture or idea of them in your mind.

    e.g. The image of art theft as a gentleman's crime is outdated...
    e.g. The words 'Cote d'Azur' conjure up images of sunny days in Mediterranean cafes.
           Cote d'Azur (蓝色海岸)这个词让人联想到地中海咖啡馆阳光明媚的日子。


2. (个人、团队或组织的)形象,声誉
    The image of a person, group, or organization is the way that they appear to other people.

    e.g. The Prime Minister knows that his personal image is his greatest political asset...
    e.g. He has cultivated the image of an elder statesman...

3. 图像;映像;影像
    An image is a picture of someone or something.

    e.g. ...photographic images of young children...
    e.g. A computer in the machine creates an image on the screen.

4. 诗意的描绘;生动的描绘
    An image is a poetic description of something.

    e.g. The natural images in the poem are meant to be suggestive of realities beyond themselves.

5. image

5. 是…的翻版;长相酷似…
    If you are the image of someone else, you look very much like them.

    e.g. Marianne's son was the image of his father.

6. see also: mirror image
    spitting image -> see spit

image 单语例句

1. The image of the rich class has also been damaged by several scandals involving business leaders on wealth lists.

2. Forget the quintessential image of the British butler as the epitome of discreet decorum.

3. image的意思

3. One image features Morlock grinning as he lifts the head of a corpse by its hair.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Peter said he wants to further raise foreigners'image among Chinese people by traveling the country by car and raising funds for the charity.

5. He is also expected to try to shed the UK's image as George Bush's poodle by forging a different relationship with the US.

6. However she always attributes her success to Wong, who let her realize her acting passion and help her craft a unique screen image.

7. The cabinet dissolution was also thought to be a move to improve the government image.

8. Zhang pictured the image of a good cadre in his novel " The State Cadre ", whom he believes represents the majority of Chinese cadres.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The main purpose of the initial image was to calibrate the camera.

10. image的反义词

10. In the graceful sweep of the calligrapher's hand, the image of a New Beijing is born.

image 英英释义



1. a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture)

    e.g. the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln
           the emperor's tomb had his image carved in stone

    Synonym: effigy simulacrum

2. a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface

    e.g. they showed us the pictures of their wedding
           a movie is a series of images projected so rapidly that the eye integrates them

    Synonym: picture icon ikon

3. the general impression that something (a person or organization or product) presents to the public

    e.g. although her popular image was contrived it served to inspire music and pageantry
           the company tried to project an altruistic image

4. (Jungian psychology) a personal facade that one presents to the world

    e.g. a public image is as fragile as Humpty Dumpty

    Synonym: persona

5. an iconic mental representation

    e.g. her imagination forced images upon her too awful to contemplate

    Synonym: mental image

6. a standard or typical example

    e.g. he is the prototype of good breeding
           he provided America with an image of the good father

    Synonym: prototype paradigm epitome

7. image的反义词

7. language used in a figurative or nonliteral sense

    Synonym: trope figure of speech figure

8. (mathematics) the set of values of the dependent variable for which a function is defined

    e.g. the image of f(x) = x^2 is the set of all non-negative real numbers if the domain of the function is the set of all real numbers

    Synonym: range range of a function

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. someone who closely resembles a famous person (especially an actor)

    e.g. he could be Gingrich's double
           she's the very image of her mother

    Synonym: double look-alike


1. imagine
    conceive of
    see in one's mind

    e.g. I can't see him on horseback!
           I can see what will happen
           I can see a risk in this strategy

    Synonym: visualize visualise envision project fancy see figure picture

2. render visible, as by means of MRI