
imaginary [ɪˈmædʒɪnəri]  [ɪˈmædʒɪneri] 

imaginary 基本解释

形容词幻; 虚幻; 想像中的,假想的,虚构的; [数]虚数的

imaginary 同义词


imaginary 反义词

形容词real actual true prosaic matter-of-fact

imaginary 相关例句



1. He told a story about an imaginary land.

2. All the characters in this book are imaginary.

imaginary 网络解释


1. 虛構:无论是真(true)假(false)之分,还是真实(real)与虚构(imaginary)之间的区分,在汉语思想中都不是一个需要特别关注的问题. 实际上,即使是汉语历史文本,也并没有将记录事件当作首要目的. 传说中的孔子删春秋,司马迁<<太史公自序>>自比于春秋,

2. 虚的:惠更斯点扩散函数(Huygen PSF) 和惠更斯PSF横截面(PSF Cross Section)现在可以显示实的(real)、虚的(imaginary)和相位(phase)数据. 4. 像模拟分析功能:(Image Simulation Analysis)现在支持用户在使用单频IMA文件时自定义波长权重.

imaginary 词典解释

1. 想象中的;假想的;虚构的
    An imaginary person, place, or thing exists only in your mind or in a story, and not in real life.

    e.g. Lots of children have imaginary friends.
    e.g. ...creating an imaginary world.

imaginary 单语例句

1. It's a fictional story set in an imaginary castle in Rome, where angels and demons coexist.

2. Hill is a salesman who tries to con a group of folks in Iowa into buying some imaginary musical instruments and band uniforms.

3. State television showed landing craft disgorging troops in a light rain while bombers and fighter jets attacked imaginary targets.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. An imaginary space image shows the disposition of the satellites under Galileo Programme.

5. It is a great challenge for us to turn real nature into an imaginary fairyland in people's minds.

6. imaginary的反义词

6. The imaginary eating didn't make people feel fuller, and it didn't change their opinion of the foods they ate.

7. imaginary

7. It takes audiences to a dreamlike and fantasized universe, where dancing and other motion on stage conjure an alluring specter of the imaginary.

8. Yang thinks readers love the books because Ma shares their real problems and happiness while providing imaginary relief and adventures.

9. The People's Liberation Army Daily called the allegations " imaginary threats " caused by the US military's Cold War mentality.

10. Many of his novels are set in imaginary backdrops that resemble actual places and people during actual historical periods.