
imam [ɪˈmɑ:m]  [ɪˈmɑm] 


imam 基本解释



imam 网络解释

1. 阿訇:西亚北非甚至英美西欧的穆斯林宰杀牛羊时候,都会让阿訇(imam)念一段<<古/可兰经>>(qur'an). 阿訇念经系干什麼的?那段古/可兰经系三十卷一百一十四章六千二百卅六节里面的什麼章节?阿訇念经这个动作叫做什麼名称?新中国穆斯林有冇跟随?

2. 教长:奥巴马选择去开罗访问,原因之一是穆巴拉克统治下的埃及,政教分离,没有伊斯兰教长(Imam)在幕前或幕后操纵政局. 开罗有两所名校 ...就这一点而言,其长远影响力与重要性,超越了他本人脍灸人口的当选或就职演说. 奥巴马选择去开罗访问,

imam 词典解释

1. 伊玛目(指伊斯兰教的宗教领袖,尤指穆斯林社群领袖或清真寺内带领教徒做礼拜的人)
    In Islam, an imam is a religious leader, especially the leader of a Muslim community or the person who leads the prayers in a mosque.

imam 单语例句

1. Allawi issued a statement at the conference accusing the militants of having mined the area around the Imam Ali compound.

2. imam在线翻译

2. Sadr aides showed journalists three holes in the gilded dome of the Imam Ali mosque, the most sacred.

3. Many of the injured were rushed to nearby Imam Ali Hospital, where hallways were filled with doctors and nurses treating and bandaging the wounded.

4. imam

4. Ali was revered as Imam and there were altogether 12 Imams who enjoyed the same supreme religious position as the Prophet.

5. imam是什么意思

5. Fighting around the Shrine of Imam Ali has been intense, and the guerrillas have used a nearby cemetery as their main staging point.

6. An imam reads Scripture to ask for Allah's permission before they process sheep and cattle for food.

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7. The personal Web site for a radical American imam living in Yemen who had contact with two September 11 hijackers praised Hasan as a hero.

8. At centre is a portrait of Imam Hussein, grandson of Prophet Mohammad.

9. The couple offered each imam money for the service and waited until they left to bring alcohol to the table.

10. The imam also called for a speedy transfer of power from the ruling supreme military council to a civilian assembly.

imam 英英释义


1. (Islam) the man who leads prayers in a mosque
    for Shiites an imam is a recognized authority on Islamic theology and law and a spiritual guide

    Synonym: imaum