
imbalance [ɪmˈbæləns]  [ɪmˈbæləns] 


imbalance 基本解释

名词不平衡; 失调; 不安定

imbalance 网络解释

1. 失衡:由于社会经济部门(Economy sector)的收入结构(Income structure)与经济结构(Economic structure)失衡(Imbalance)而引起的物价普遍上涨. 朝阳产业(Sunrise industry)部门价格工资水平上升快,夕阳产业(Sunset industry)价格工资水平不升反降.

2. 不稳定:imaginary unit 虚数单位 | imbalance 不稳定 | imbedded prime ideal 嵌入素理想

3. 不平衡的:impersonal 非個人的 | imbalance 不平衡的 | impel 推動,驅使

imbalance 词典解释


1. 不平衡;不均衡;失衡
    If there is an imbalance in a situation, the things involved are not the same size, or are not the right size in proportion to each other.

    e.g. ...the imbalance between the two sides in this war.
    e.g. international strategy to reduce trade imbalances.

imbalance 单语例句

1. But the US Government predicts the imbalance is on track to surpass last year's record US $ 202 billion based on a different set of calculation methods.

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2. Capital outflow is a way to improve the imbalance in China's international payments.

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3. Zhang says the country's relatively backward economic structure and inferior position in the world industrial chain is the cause of this imbalance.

4. This is a clear signal that China is honoring its commitment to making concrete efforts to redress the trade imbalance between the two countries.

5. And the country's success in addressing its domestic imbalance will be essential to a balanced and thus sustainable global recovery that has yet to materialize.

6. The IPEA used an indicator similar to the Gini coefficient, an index to measure wealth imbalance.

7. Gatlin's revelation came just days after Landis tested positive for a testosterone imbalance after his stirring comeback victory at the Tour de France.

8. They complain about the imbalance between effort and reward at work and some hope to improve it by changing jobs frequently.

9. imbalance

9. The sex imbalance in China is a crisis of such disturbing implications that it deserves more consideration than any other domestic issue including population growth.

10. Considering the conspicuous imbalance between the powers and responsibilities of some public officials, it will not be unfair to place upon them a little more liability.

imbalance 英英释义


1. (mathematics) a lack of symmetry

    Synonym: asymmetry dissymmetry

2. a lack of balance or state of disequilibrium

    e.g. a hormonal imbalance

    Synonym: instability unbalance