
imbibe [ɪmˈbaɪb]  [ɪmˈbaɪb] 






imbibe 基本解释


及物动词吸收; 吸取; 喝; 吸气

imbibe 相关例句


1. Plants imbibe nourishment usually through their leaves and roots.

imbibe 网络解释

1. 吸收,饮:envoy 使者 | imbibe 吸收,饮 | immanent 内在的

2. 吸收:imbed 埋藏 | imbibe 吸收 | imbibition 吸入

3. 喝,吸收:sober 使清醒 | imbibe 喝,吸收 | tranquility 平静,安宁

4. 饮:ignite#使燃着 | imbibe#饮 | imbue#浸染

imbibe 词典解释

1. imbibe的反义词

1. 饮,喝(酒)
    To imbibe alcohol means to drink it.

    e.g. They were used to imbibing enormous quantities of alcohol...
    e.g. No one believes that current nondrinkers should be encouraged to start imbibing.

2. 吸收,接受(思想或观点)
    If you imbibe ideas or arguments, you listen to them, accept them, and believe that they are right or true.

    e.g. As a clergyman's son he'd imbibed a set of mystical beliefs from the cradle.

imbibe 单语例句

1. The vice president said Christmas is an occasion to imbibe the divine teachings of Lord Jesus Christ and spread joy and happiness.

2. So just by being in China and opening your heart and mind you can imbibe a lot.

3. Many politicians have failed to imbibe the positive economic wisdom because of their misunderstanding of free trade.

imbibe 英英释义


1. imbibe的解释

1. receive into the mind and retain

    e.g. Imbibe ethical principles

2. take in liquids

    e.g. The patient must drink several liters each day
           The children like to drink soda

    Synonym: drink

3. take in, also metaphorically

    e.g. The sponge absorbs water well
           She drew strength from the minister's words

    Synonym: absorb suck soak up sop up suck up draw take in take up

4. take (gas, light or heat) into a solution

    Synonym: assimilate