
immeasurably [ɪ'meʒərəblɪ]  [ɪ'meʒərəblɪ] 

immeasurably 基本解释



immeasurably 网络解释

1. 不能测量地:immeasurable 不可估量的 | immeasurably 不能测量地 | immediacy 直接

2. 无限制地:work together=共同合作; | immeasurably=无限制地; | increase增加

3. 广大无边地:immeasurably 不可测量地 | immeasurably 广大无边地 | immediacyosculation 密接

4. 不可测量地:immeasurableincalculable 不赀 | immeasurably 不可测量地 | immeasurably 广大无边地

immeasurably 双语例句


1. The Internet, an immeasurably powerful computing system, is subsuming most of our other intellectual technologies.


2. The conception of the Mother of God was beyond all comparison more noble than that of St. John the Baptist, whilst it was immeasurably beneath that of her Divine Son.

3. Dunhuang literature in the different stages under the Wuliang and Tibet regime took on distinctive regional features and features of the times. The realistic tradition of literary creation had exerted an immeasurably far—reaching influence on the later Guiyijun literature.

4. But Alston is a better floor leader than Bibby, and his attitude is immeasurably better.

5. And now, because my mind was not confused enough before, I complicated its confusion fifty thousand-fold by having states and season when I was clear that Biddy was immeasurably better than Estella, and that the plain honest working life to which I was born had nothing in it to be ashamed of, but offered me sufficient means of self-respect and happiness.


6. But if we can find common ground to work together, the chance for world peace is immeasurably increased.

7. It was, by an immeasurably wide margin, the high point of his working year.

8. I will miss him immeasurably, but I know that he is now at peace and enchanting the heavens with a melody and a moonwalk.


9. If Chinese culture could be categorized as a religion, my mother would have been a fanatic devout. Having watched her teaching Chinese history, Chinese literature, and Chinese Geography since probably before I was born, her power to actuate any audience alike had always been immeasurably inspiring.


10. I believe the study of English as a foreign language can be improved immeasurably.


11. They will add immeasurably to our strength.


12. The situation today is immeasurably more acute than it was 25 years ago.

13. Let go of the idea of failure, and embrace the notion that everything you experience in meditation is feedback, and the path will be immeasurably more enjoyable and enriching.


14. They have improved immeasurably since their arrival


15. After an immeasurably short time interval, the electron-positron pair recombine.

16. Under his stewardship, the UN's repute has risen immeasurably.


17. Her values, as she was to learn later, had changed immeasurably.


18. Since the 1970s, Asia and the US have contributed immeasurably to each other's well-being.

19. Whatever fate which have given you great wealth, would also steal something immeasurably more important from you.

20. Her novels have contributed immeasurably to British culture over the last two centuries.

immeasurably 词典解释

1. 极度地;极大地
    You use immeasurably to emphasize the degree or extent of a process or quality.

    e.g. They have improved immeasurably since their arrival...
    e.g. The situation today is immeasurably more acute than it was 25 years ago.
           今天的形势远比 25 年前严峻。

immeasurably 单语例句

1. Mark Felt was'Deep Throat'and helped us immeasurably in our Watergate coverage.

2. immeasurably的意思

2. Quite bizarre and pointless given the immeasurably more fun ice sleds, but it's there nonetheless.

3. The addition of Yi doubled the number of Chinese stars in the NBA and immeasurably increased China's interest in the league.

immeasurably 英英释义


1. without bounds

    e.g. he is infinitely wealthy

    Synonym: boundlessly infinitely

2. to an immeasurable degree
    beyond measurement

    e.g. the war left him immeasurably fearful of what man can do to man