
immense [ɪˈmens]  [ɪˈmɛns] 

immense 基本解释


形容词极大的,巨大的; 浩瀚的,无边际的; 〈口〉非常好的; 弘道

immense 同义词

形容词enormous monumental large mammoth stupendous great giant gigantic huge vast

immense 反义词


形容词limited finite

immense 相关例句



1. The Atlantic Ocean is immense.

2. The performance was immense.

3. John felt an immense gratitude to Wilson.

4. He made an immense amount of money in business.

immense 网络解释

1. 巨大的:at some point 在某种程度上 | immense 巨大的 | share 分享

2. 无限的:immediation transducer 浸没式换能器 | immense 无限的 | immergence 浸水

3. 极广大的:immemorial 古老的 | immense 极广大的 | immensely 无限地

4. 广大的:immediate 立即的 | immense 广大的 | immigrant 移民

immense 词典解释

1. 广大的;巨大的
    If you describe something as immense, you mean that it is extremely large or great.

    e.g. immense cloud of smoke...
    e.g. With immense relief I stopped running.

The immensity of the universe is difficult to grasp.
immense 单语例句

1. He described the website as " an immense digital catalogue of all human existence and an enormous resource for the exchange of ideas and information ".

2. It reflected domestic shareholders'immense desire for policy certainty concerning the key issue of State shares.

3. " Europe's civil protection system has been fully mobilized to help Japan overcome this immense tragedy, " the commissioner added.

4. Tong believes the British influence remains immense - and that Hong Kong people remain indifferent to the virtues of Confucianism.

5. These include superior connectivity and frequencies both in Asia and globally, as well as immense trust in the efficiency and simplicity of Hong Kong's customs processes.

6. Zhang's situation evoked immense public sympathy which finally helped her find a job and offers of free cosmetic surgery from two hospitals.

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7. And if environmental damage is taken into account, the cost will be immense.

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8. With novel changes and immense advancement in techniques, today we can marvel at the various delicate and artistic ice lanterns on display.

9. It is crystal clear that farmers'enthusiasm for farming has an immense impact on the country's grain production and therefore grain security.

10. Synchronised Swimming is all about grace under pressure, as athletes use pinpoint precision and immense stamina to deliver beautiful routines in the pool.