
impart [ɪmˈpɑ:t]  [ɪmˈpɑ:rt] 






impart 基本解释


及物动词传授; 给予; 告知,透露

impart 网络解释

1. 传授:赋予(equip)经济成长与繁荣的特殊技能与品质需求. 这份报告强调教学功能必须试图传授(impart)进阶知识与发展创意的主体,学生的批判、问题解决与社交技能. 高等教育其他的目标包括:6.对於独立机构与高教部门视为整体,

2. 传递:在国际人权法中,说表达自由(freedom of expression),不仅包括表示意见的自由,还包括寻求(seek)、接受(receive)、传递(impart)信息和思想的自由,已经成为共识.

3. 传递,给与,告诉:impale 以尖物刺住,围起 | impart 传递,给与,告诉 | impeach 非难,指责,检举

4. 给予:imparlance 商议 | impart 给予 | impartation 给予

impart 词典解释

1. 传授;告知
    If you impart information to people, you tell it to them.

    e.g. The ability to impart knowledge and command respect is the essential qualification for teachers...
    e.g. I am about to impart knowledge to you that you will never forget.

2. 给予(特定品质)
    To impart a particular quality to something means to give it that quality.

    e.g. She managed to impart great elegance to the unpretentious dress she was wearing...
    e.g. His production of Harold Pinter's play fails to impart a sense of excitement or danger.

impart 单语例句


1. The newly upgraded Sagitar Champion offers new standard options like xenon headlights, cruise control and other modifications to impart sporty and stylish improvements.

2. Staff at the park impart information about the animals during the meals and people get to know how to communicate with the animals better.

3. impart在线翻译

3. They disturb our senses on a campus especially because the main function of a university is to impart knowledge and conduct academic research.


4. The use of spice was restrained and sufficient to impart a pleasant lingering aftertaste.

5. Chinese students are docile and quiet so it is easier to impart knowledge.

6. It is imperative that Chinese employers are familiar with company policies and impart their knowledge to prospective foreign employees during interviews and orientation sessions.

7. impart

7. Zhang said geoparks should teach Earth sciences by using tourist commentaries to impart knowledge of geomorphology and geology.

8. Kindergartens are supposed to impart rudimentary knowledge to children, especially cultivate good living habits.

9. Liao believes that the Confucius Institutes have a mission to impart Confucian ideals.

10. Initially driven by ambition and courage to start a yoga business, these days Rao's business philosophy is to impart physical and spiritual health.

impart 英英释义


1. transmit or serve as the medium for transmission

    e.g. Sound carries well over water
           The airwaves carry the sound
           Many metals conduct heat

    Synonym: conduct transmit convey carry channel

2. impart的反义词

2. transmit (knowledge or skills)

    e.g. give a secret to the Russians
           leave your name and address here
           impart a new skill to the students

    Synonym: leave give pass on

3. impart在线翻译

3. bestow a quality on

    e.g. Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company
           The music added a lot to the play
           She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings
           This adds a light note to the program

    Synonym: lend bestow contribute add bring