
impasse [ˈæmpɑ:s]  [ˈɪmpæs] 


impasse 基本解释

名词僵局; 绝境; 死路; 死胡同

impasse 网络解释

1. 僵局:l僵局(impasse)/卡住的点(stuck point)指的是个人处於自认为无法自我支持,而寻求外在支持的状态. l接触(contact)是改变与成长的必要条件,当能与环境接触,改变就必然发生. l接触(contact)是透过看、听、嗅、碰及行动形成的.

2. 僵持:illegal bargaining:非法谈判项目 | impasse:僵持 | gain sharing:收益分享

3. 绝境:imparting of experience 经验的传授 | impasse 绝境 | impasse?priority therapy 绝境先行疗法 绝境先行疗法

4. 僵局;死胡同:impact 影响;作用 | impasse 僵局;死胡同 | impend 迫近;逼近;即将发生

impasse 词典解释

1. 绝境;僵局;死胡同
    If people are in a difficult position in which it is impossible to make any progress, you can refer to the situation as an impasse .

    e.g. The company says it has reached an impasse in negotiations with the union.

impasse 单语例句

1. In the context of declining economic prospects and pressing global challenges that demand collective action, the current sense of impasse in multilateral institutions should concern us all.

2. Reports called it the largest number of Chinese vessels seen in the waters since the impasse occurred on April 10.

3. impasse的解释

3. But there have been closer economic and trade ties and strengthened civil exchanges between the two sides during the past year despite the political impasse.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. The Chinese government has repeatedly made clear that negotiations and dialogue are the keys to break the current international impasse over Iran's nuclear program.

5. This is undoubtedly conducive to enhancing mutual understanding as well as laying necessary ground for the continuation of the talks to unravel the current impasse.

6. impasse在线翻译

6. The trade talks reached an impasse last week amid disputes over how deeply to cut tariffs on farm products and farm subsidies.


7. Annan has consistently sought to delay Security Council action on Iran, hoping to resolve the impasse over Iran's nuclear intentions in Vienna or through negotiations.

8. Both sides believed the meeting had moved the process forward to resolve the disarmament impasse on the Korean Peninsula.

9. impasse的反义词

9. There was a brief impasse but she said nothing, just staring in disbelief.

10. impasse什么意思

10. It will be the dispassionate pursuit of mutual goals in commerce and trade that ultimately yields a solution to this regulatory impasse.

impasse 英英释义


1. a street with only one way in or out

    Synonym: blind alley cul de sac dead-end street

2. impasse

2. a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible

    e.g. reached an impasse on the negotiations

    Synonym: deadlock dead end stalemate standstill