
impenetrable [ɪmˈpenɪtrəbl]  [ɪmˈpɛnɪtrəbəl] 

impenetrable 基本解释

形容词不能通过的; 不能理解的; 无动于衷的; 顽固的,不接受的

impenetrable 网络解释


1. 费解的:impenetrability 不能贯穿 | impenetrable 费解的 | impenetrably 无法通过地

2. 不可穿过的,难以理解的:impervious不能渗透的 | impenetrable不可穿过的,难以理解的. | implore恳求

3. 不透的:impenetability 不渗透性 | impenetrable 不透的 | imperative 强制性的

4. 不能穿透的,不可理解的:inexorable 不为所动的,坚决不变的 | impenetrable 不能穿透的,不可理解的 | incurable 不可救药的

impenetrable 词典解释

1. impenetrable

1. 不能穿过的;刺不进的;透不过的
    If you describe something such as a barrier or a forest as impenetrable, you mean that it is impossible or very difficult to get through.

    e.g. ...the Caucasus range, an almost impenetrable barrier between Europe and Asia.

2. 费解的;难以理解的
    If you describe something such as a book or a theory as impenetrable, you are emphasizing that it is impossible or very difficult to understand.

    e.g. His books are notoriously impenetrable.
    e.g. ...these impenetrable poems.

...impenetrably detailed reports on product sales.
impenetrable 单语例句

1. At the entrance, the walls close in to form an impenetrable steel fence separating the two sides.

2. One point archeologists agree on is that " China's biggest maze " - as the site is colloquially known - would have been virtually impenetrable.

3. The place was sterile and the daily commute to work in the city centre was a torturous journey through seemingly impenetrable traffic jams.

4. An accurate assessment of the damage caused has so far been impossible due to a huge cloud of impenetrable dust covering the target.

5. impenetrable的反义词

5. Those at the center of power were totally impenetrable by either public gaze or stray bullets.

6. This impenetrable richness is the essence of the ancient land of the Buddha.

7. impenetrable

7. The casinos offer shopping extravaganzas where Jackson can spend while being blanketed in impenetrable security.

8. The circular and square buildings are made of nearly impenetrable clay and bamboo chips.


9. The answer is complicated and can be rendered impenetrable by the welter of implications relating to death.

impenetrable 英英释义


1. impossible to understand

    e.g. impenetrable jargon

2. not admitting of penetration or passage into or through

    e.g. an impenetrable fortress
           impenetrable rain forests

3. permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter

    e.g. dense smoke
           heavy fog
           impenetrable gloom

    Synonym: dense heavy