
impersonal [ɪmˈpɜ:sənl]  [ɪmˈpɜ:rsənl] 

impersonal 基本解释


形容词没有人情味的; 非个人的,和个人无关的; 不具人格的,一般性的; [语]非人称的

名词[语]非人称动词; 非人称代名词; 不具人格的事物

impersonal 同义词


形容词unprejudiced detached impartial neutral unbiased

impersonal 反义词


impersonal 相关例句



1. Don't be so cold and impersonal.

2. Electricity is an impersonal force.

3. He made an impersonal comment on the incident.

impersonal 网络解释

1. 非个人的:简而言之,结果论具有两个部分:(1)主张对任何行为所产生之结果可以从非个人的(impersonal)立场给予好坏之评比;(2)对的行为就是其所带来的结果经由上述评比,具有整体上最大善或最小恶之行为,我称此决定行为对错之原则为最大化原则(maximization).

2. 与个人无关的:这一方法来自于洛克这样的思想家,它强调的是法治的与个人无关的(impersonal)法治以及对个人自由的保护;民主过程受到了个人权利的限制,并为个人权利服务,这样的个人权利保证了个体能自由地追求他们自己的目标和幸福.

3. 客观:就被动语态而言,其典型的文体特征是叙述客观(impersonal)、使用场合正式(formal) 、措辞经过准备(prepared). 所以,在科技文献和新闻报导中高频率出现的被动语态,适应了此类文体的特殊要求:表述客观事实与情景,强调施事的过程和结果,

4. 客观的:imperscriptible 非官方的 | impersonal 客观的 | impersonalism 非人格主义

impersonal 词典解释

1. 没有人情味的;冷淡的
    If you describe a place, organization, or activity as impersonal, you mean that it is not very friendly and makes you feel unimportant because it involves or is used by a large number of people.

    e.g. Before then many children were cared for in large impersonal orphanages...
    e.g. The health service has been criticized for being too impersonal.

2. 客观的;不受个人感情(或偏见)影响的
    If you describe someone's behaviour as impersonal, you mean that they do not show any emotion about the person they are dealing with.

    e.g. We must be as impersonal as a surgeon with his knife...
    e.g. I gave Coe an impersonal stare.

The doctor treated Ted gently but impersonally.

3. impersonal

3. 非个人的;不带个人色彩的
    An impersonal room or statistic does not give any information about the character of the person to whom it belongs or relates.

    e.g. The rest of the room was neat and impersonal...
    e.g. History reduces the carnage to impersonal numbers.

impersonal 单语例句


1. But customer Abby Griffin says the chain stores are impersonal, so she comes to Morgan's.

2. It's a good compromise between the impersonal Internet and the wastefulness of sending paper cards, he said.

3. The ideology he opposed throughout his political life insisted that history was moved by impersonal tides and unalterable fates.

4. Yan's passion for Postcrossing is driven by the chance to understand other cultures not from some impersonal website but from another person.

5. The identical houses feel impersonal, lacking the personal features that add charm to homes and distinguish one from another.

6. impersonal的反义词

6. In these memoirs, all the facts of her personal hardships are narrated in a rather impersonal tone.

7. Your impersonal point of view is useful for getting greater responsibility today.

impersonal 英英释义



1. impersonal

1. having no personal preference

    e.g. impersonal criticism
           a neutral observer

    Synonym: neutral

2. not relating to or responsive to individual persons

    e.g. an impersonal corporation
           an impersonal remark