
implantation [ˌɪmplɑ:n'teɪʃn]  [ˌɪmplænˈteʃən] 

implantation 基本解释


名词植入; 着床; 培植,灌输

implantation 网络解释

1. 着床:(2)着床 着床(implantation)是胚泡植入子宫内膜的过程,经过定位、粘着和穿透三个阶段. (3)妊娠的维持及激素调节 妊娠的维持有赖于垂体、卵巢和胎盘分泌的各种激素的相互配合. 在受精与着床之前,在腺垂体促性腺激素的控制下,

2. 离子注入:掺杂是将特定量的杂质通过薄膜开口引入晶圆表层的工艺制程(图4.8). 它有两种工艺方法:热扩散(thermal diffusion)和离子注入(implantation),都在第十一章有详细阐述. 热扩散是在1000摄氏度...

3. 种植:例如:各类新型的树脂充填材料可逐步取代传统的银汞合金;全瓷制作系统将逐步取代传统的金属瓷冠制作;精密附着体(attachment)和双套冠系统(telescopic)将取代传统的卡环式活动义齿,使得活动义齿更具功能性和美观性;种植(implantation)的成熟应用将给无牙

implantation 单语例句

1. He said he has collected necessary data for the anticipating implantation from Xiaoming, but the lense production needs more comprehensive data on panda eyes.

2. The loss of the LPA receptors also affected the rodents'level of prostaglandin, a fatty acid essential for normal implantation.

3. NASCAR is expected to decide over the next few months whether to move up full implantation of the car it designed.

4. " The increased risk of suicide was not apparent until 10 years after implantation, " the researchers wrote.

5. implantation

5. It would ban contraceptives that prevent the implantation of a fertilised ovum, as some consider this abortion.

implantation 英英释义



1. a surgical procedure that places something in the human body

    e.g. the implantation of radioactive pellets in the prostate gland

2. the act of planting or setting in the ground

3. (embryology) the organic process whereby a fertilized egg becomes implanted in the lining of the uterus of placental mammals

    Synonym: nidation