
impotent [ˈɪmpətənt]  [ˈɪmpətənt] 

impotent 基本解释


形容词无力的; 虚弱的; 无效的; [医]阳痿的

impotent 反义词



impotent 相关例句


1. We felt quite impotent to resist the will of the dictator.

impotent 网络解释

1. 虚弱的:impotency 无力 | impotent 虚弱的 | impound 收押

2. 无力的,无效的:potent有力的有效的,a | impotent无力的,无效的 | potential潜在的

3. 无力的:7. reverent 恭恭敬敬的 | 8. impotent 无力的 | 9. deficient 不足的

impotent 词典解释

1. impotent的解释

1. 无能为力的;不起作用的
    If someone feels impotent, they feel that they have no power to influence people or events.

    e.g. The aggression of a bully leaves people feeling hurt, angry and impotent...
    e.g. In impotent rage he got up and stalked up and down the flat.

2. impotent的意思

2. 阳痿的;性无能的
    If a man is impotent, he is unable to have sex normally, because his penis fails to get hard or stay hard.

impotent 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Ten to 20 percent of adolescents in Japan are impotent and feel no sex drive, because they have no curiosity about sex any more.

2. impotent的意思

2. Experience also indicates that a country's currency policy alone remains impotent in tackling the negative impact caused by surging property bubbles and inflation.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. It further states that these compounds are useful in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, and that one of the preferred compounds induces erections in impotent men.

4. A lawyer said that China's existing laws for such harassment are almost impotent, and experts have called for them to be updated.

5. Later, the League of Nations was also completely impotent against the rise of Fascism.

6. Past events show that the US is strong enough to overthrow regimes in small countries, but it remains impotent to maintain a stable political order in targeted countries.

7. impotent的反义词

7. It's possible that most men over 40 today would not be bothered about sperm count because their only fear is becoming impotent.


8. Such impotent standards will do little to prevent the rampant leaking of personal information and the abuse of such information.

9. impotent

9. The consensus of the nation's top intelligence analysts is that bin Laden's terrorist network is anything but impotent.

10. Although we are at varying levels of development, we seem equally impotent in the face of natural disasters.