
improvised [ɪmprə'vaɪzd]  [ɪmprə'vaɪzd] 




improvised 基本解释
improvised 网络解释


1. 临时准备:Improved 提高 | Improvised 临时准备 | Increased 增加

2. 即兴的:即将建成 Near completion | 即兴的 Improvised | 极端贫困 Live on the threshold of poverty, desperately poor, mired in acute need

3. 临时制作:stepping up 加快 | improvised临时制作 | defuse拆除(爆炸物)引信,

improvised 单语例句

1. improvised的近义词

1. TV showed floodwater flowing into the canal as villagers tried to repair an embankment with improvised sandbags.

2. The improvised version sounded fresh and catchy, surprising even Tan herself.

3. But one official said that insurgents have improvised conventional weapons, so they could apply similar creativity with the vintage weapons.

4. A crafty son has helped his mother through two divorces using his improvised legal expertise.

5. On the streets of Nazran Tuesday people wandered in a daze, some with improvised bandages on their heads and limbs.

6. improvised

6. There were no immediate reports of injuries in what appeared to have been the detonation of an improvised explosive device.

7. To stop the baby from hurting itself by touching the improvised tropical device, staff have installed a fence around the stove.

8. He said such an improvised device could be obtained through criminal gangs or by infiltrating nuclear labs in Pakistan or other nuclear nations.

9. There had been widespread expectation that the strikes against Libya would be overseen by NATO, and the hastily improvised nature of the military coalition has drawn criticism.

10. His fame overseas began from an improvised performance in a Paris bar and his unique style has overwhelmed record companies and audiences ever since.

improvised 英英释义


1. improvised的翻译

1. done or made using whatever is available

    e.g. crossed the river on improvised bridges
           the survivors used jury-rigged fishing gear
           the rock served as a makeshift hammer

    Synonym: jury-rigged makeshift