1. [俚]处于困境 [美]左右为难:sure bind, sure find. [谚]扎的牢, 丢不了. | in a bind [俚]处于困境 [美]左右为难 | bind down 捆, 绑 束缚, 限制
2. 处于困境:big shot 权贵之人, 大亨, 大人物 | in a bind 处于困境 | alarmist 大惊小怪者, 杞人忧天者
3. 窘迫:in a big way 严重地 | in a bind 窘迫 | in a pig's whisper 说话声音低
4. 在困境的情况:image table%[]%图像表% | in a bind%[]%在困境的情况% | in a flash%[]%转眼间,突然间%
1. A source close to Ding said the taciturn executive is in a bind over the tussle and hopes the fighting ends soon.
2. Besides tearing apart the moral bonds that bind families together, they provide a hotbed for torture in detention centers.
3. The US now finds its Middle East strategy caught in a bind and one cannot but wonder how it would get out of this mess.
4. in a bind的反义词
4. Biden argued China and the US will have a stake in each other's success as trade and investment bind the two countries together.
5. in a bind的翻译
5. I used instant soup base and though I don't preach its constant use, it's not too bad if you're in a bind.
6. Today the US government is up to its nose in debt, which will put Obama's domestic and foreign policies in a suffocating bind.
7. in a bind的翻译
7. That could put Tokyo in a bind if this week's talks make progress toward ending the North's nuclear arms programs.
8. By and large this tended to bind a family in China much closer together than one in other societies.
9. Lasting solutions to conflicts must bind together all regional players with a common stake in peace.