in chief

in chief [in tʃi:f]  [ɪn tʃif] 

in chief 基本解释

in chief什么意思


in chief 网络解释

1. 主要地, 尤其 在首席地位:a chief engineer总工程师 | in chief主要地, 尤其 在首席地位 | 16, supply n.补给, 供给, 供应品

in chief 单语例句

1. Chief Secretary for Administration Henry Tang has pledged to promote development projects in Hengqin to the business sector in Hong Kong.

2. Lau's appointment was officially announced on Thursday by the Chief Executive's Office, following his failed reelection bid after serving four years in the Legislative Council.

3. Incumbent DPJ Policy Chief Seiji Maehara is expected to be appointed as a minister in a Cabinet reshuffle that may take place early next month.

4. Abe was given the powerful chief cabinet secretary's position on October 31 when Koizumi elevated prominent hardliners in a reshuffle.

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5. EDF's chief economist Daniel J Dudek said the calculator's creation is a breakthrough in pollution emissions tracking.


6. The Party's discipline section has been particularly active, most spectacularly in the recent case of former Chongqing Party chief Bo Xilai.

7. Chief Executive Officer Richard Syron said in March he won't raise capital at the expense of shareholders.

8. in chief的解释

8. We hope Chief Justice Xiao Yang's promise of maximum prudence in applying capital punishment is honored throughout that process.

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9. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon said in the statement he expects " capital markets to remain under stress " as the economy weakens.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. Cardinal Chief Executive Officer George Barrett said acquisitions will continue to help the company get bigger in China's booming drug distribution market.