in other words

in other words

in other words 基本解释

换句话说; 就是说

in other words 网络解释

in other words

1. 换言之:曾于1992年出版<<换言之>>(In Other Words)一书,此外还担任全球性刊物<<译者>>(The Translator)的主编. ...在评价<<通天塔之后--语言与翻译面面观>>一书时,有人曾经说过这样一句话:翻译界早该有一位捍卫自己的勇士了. 的确,正如评价者所言,

2. 换句话说,也就是说:in order 整齐;状况良好 | in other words 换句话说,也就是说 | in part 在某种程度上;部份地

3. 另:in a word 一句话 | in other words 另...... | at work 上班

4. in other words:iow; 换言之

in other words 单语例句

1. In other words, colleges are churning out more graduates than the market can absorb.

2. In other words, a car furnishes a steel cocoon that shields motorists from their fellow citizens.

3. In other words, the entire system of public hospitals has acquired a collective monopoly over patients.

4. In other words, it requires a complete overhaul of the current forms of domestic governance.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. In other words, the State Council does not have the power to deprive such rights with administrative regulations.

6. in other words的翻译

6. In other words, will the new Copyright Law be applied if a past work is published today?

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Too many have been promoted on the credit of their localities'high growth rate their political achievements in other words.

8. in other words的反义词

8. In other words, there is nothing weird or creepy about a guy obsessed with a dead brother.


9. Kerry offered warm words about each other in their speeches last night, just two days after their decidedly unfriendly debate in New York.

10. In other words, the tax rate is a factor ranking quite low in investors'decision making.

in other words 英英释义


1. otherwise stated

    e.g. in other words, we are broke

    Synonym: put differently