in store

in store [in stɔ:]  [ɪn stɔr] 

in store 基本解释

储备着; 贮藏着; 将要发生; 就要出现

in store 反义词

out of store

in store 网络解释

1. 存储着;预备着:952. stop to do sth. 停止某事而去做另一件是 | 953. in store存储着;预备着 | 954. department store百货公司

2. 储藏着;准备着;必将发生、就要到来:in spite of 不管,不顾 | in store 储藏着;准备着;必将发生、就要到来 | in that 因为

3. 贮藏着:in store for 储藏备用 | in store 贮藏着 | in substance 本质上

4. 贮藏着,准备着:in general 一般地, 大体上 | in store 贮藏着, 准备着 | keep in touch with... 与...保持联系

in store 单语例句

1. But then, he didn't know what destiny had in store.

2. Wealthier people in Beijing tried all means to get foreign exchange certificates to buy butter, cheese and home appliances such as toasters available only at the Friendship Store.

3. Customers in the US could shop and buy the device anywhere they are and pick up their purchase at any Apple retail store.

4. Shoppers have also found they can save time and effort by buying seafood on a website rather than in a physical store.

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5. The convenience store's ticketing system hopes to cash in on the ticket buying habits of high speed rail passengers.

6. Though buying online has advantages over shopping in a sex store, some shoppers still prefer the real thing.

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7. As you walk in the store and head down the stairs, a vast space comes into sight catching visitors by surprise.

8. But firefighters did not reach the scene until half an hour later, by which time the store owner's son had perished in the blaze.

9. in store的翻译

9. We used to store several hundred kilograms of cabbage and potatoes, which were the staple of our diet in winter.

10. A young US student in Beijing recalled that once during her first month in the city she bought some chestnuts at a campus grocery store.