形容词闲置的; 不活动的,不活跃的; 懒散的,怠惰的; [化]钝性的
1. Bears are inactive during the winter.
2. I found his name in the inactive files.
1. 非活动的:一个作用域可以是活动的(active),DHCP服务器使用它分配地址,也可以是非活动的(inactive),服务器不使用作用域进行地址分配. 你可以为一个DHCP 服务器配置多个作用作用域来服务多个子网或IP段.
2. 非活动:归档日志文件:是处于非活动(INACTIVE)的状态的重做日志文件的备份. 它对ORACLE数据库的备份和恢复起至关重要的作用. 是联机重做日志文件的一个副本,与被复制的成员完成一样,即重做记录相同,日志序列号相同.
3. (不活动):2.如果显示PVC不活动(inactive)或被删除(Deleted),则在到远端的路由路径中有问题,检查远端的路由器或联系PVC服务提供商. 2.如果显示PVC不活动(inactive)或被删除(Deleted),则在到远端的路由路径中有问题,检查远端的路由器或联系PVC服务提供商.
4. 不活性:所谓不活性(inactive)的肾结石,就是指虽然有肾结石,但是没有感染,没有阻塞,没有症状的发生.有这种不活性肾结石的患者,最好定期每3-6个月实施检查,因为肾结石有可能突然阻塞而造成危险.也就是说发现肾结石了,但是不实施开刀取出或超音波震碎排出,
1. 无所作为的;不活动的;闲置的
Someone or something that is inactive is not doing anything or is not working.
e.g. He certainly was not politically inactive...
e.g. The satellite had been inactive since its launch two years ago.
1. He was placed on inactive Guard duty six months before his commitment ended at his request because he was starting Harvard Business School.
2. Though there are stark differences in the diets between China and the West, increasingly inactive lifestyles and not getting enough exercise are common factor for all modern societies.
3. inactive的近义词
3. In contrast to the rise in prices, market trading is relatively inactive.
4. Walsh said he couldn't envision a scenario where Marbury would be with the Knicks and inactive the rest of the season.
5. As a result, more money than ever is now frozen or inactive in China.
6. The SEC emphasized that in an inactive market, the trading price was but one input in determining fair value.
7. Giant pandas have a very low fertility rate because they are sexually inactive.
8. The reform has also lowered the threshold of VAT compensations, imposed closing of inactive VAT numbers and introduced new rules on foreclosure and mortgage.
9. The scientists found that physically active mice developed more newborn hippocampal neurons than inactive animals.
10. " Many people become inactive during the winter, " he says.