
incisive [ɪnˈsaɪsɪv]  [ɪnˈsaɪsɪv] 

incisive 基本解释


形容词尖锐的; 深刻的; 直接的; 单刀直入的

incisive 网络解释


1. 敏锐,尖刻的:incise 刻,雕 | incisive 敏锐,尖刻的 | incite 鼓动,引起

2. 深刻的:incision 切割 | incisive 深刻的 | incisively 敏锐地

3. 锋利,尖刻,敏锐的:incise 刻,雕,切 | incisive 锋利,尖刻,敏锐的 | precise 精确,正确的

4. 锐利的,尖锐的,深刻的:Onerous 繁重的;负有法律责任的 | Incisive 锐利的,尖锐的,深刻的 | Auspicious 吉兆的,幸运的

incisive 词典解释

1. 机敏的;尖锐的;深刻的
    You use incisive to describe a person, their thoughts, or their speech when you approve of their ability to think and express their ideas clearly, briefly, and forcefully.

    e.g. ...a shrewd operator with an incisive mind...
    e.g. She's incredibly incisive, incredibly intelligent.

incisive 单语例句

1. Some complained she proved more of a cheerleader than an incisive critic in the mold of Cowell.

2. Regardless of how incisive Zoellick's take on the situation is, there is resistance to the idea of drawing up a new political document.

3. His works demonstrates an incisive exploration of the tension between the Asian meditative principles and Western artistic expressions.

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4. They can portray reality in a sharp and incisive manner, and get viewers to acknowledge their condition.

5. It was an incisive point in the authorities'recent rhetoric in the fight against corruption.

6. Tsang added the government is also often inspired by the press's incisive commentary when drawing up policy.

7. They started to pile on the pressure with incisive incursions down the flanks.

8. We have to consider the viewpoints of these politicians and scholars as wise and incisive.

9. His incisive analysis of the world situation has been borne out by developments over the last decade.

10. The problem was that England was not really incisive until five minutes before the break.

incisive 英英释义



1. incisive什么意思

1. suitable for cutting or piercing

    e.g. incisive teeth

2. having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions

    e.g. an acute observer of politics and politicians
           incisive comments
           icy knifelike reasoning
           as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang
           penetrating insight
           frequent penetrative observations

    Synonym: acute discriminating keen knifelike penetrating penetrative piercing sharp