
inclined [ɪnˈklaɪnd]  [ɪnˈklaɪnd] 






inclined 基本解释


形容词倾斜的; 倾向的

动词(使)倾斜( incline的过去式和过去分词); (使)偏向

inclined 相关例句



1. I am inclined to be ill after eating fish.

inclined 网络解释

1. 倾斜:inclination 倾角 | inclined 倾斜 | inclined plane 斜面

2. 倾斜的:斜面 incline | 倾斜的 inclined | 倾斜船台 inclined building berth

3. 倾向于:indebted 感激的,蒙恩的 | inclined 倾向于 | kind 善良的

4. 倾向...的:grieved#伤心的 | inclined#倾向...的 | inquisitive#好奇的

inclined 词典解释

1. 愿意…的;有…意向的
    If you are inclined to behave in a particular way, you often behave in that way, or you want to do so.

    e.g. Nobody felt inclined to argue with Smith...
    e.g. He was inclined to self-pity...

2. inclined的反义词

2. 倾向于…的;赞成…的
    If you say that you are inclined to have a particular opinion, you mean that you hold this opinion but you are not expressing it strongly.

    e.g. I am inclined to think that the ancient Greeks understood this better than we do...
    e.g. I am inclined to agree with Alan.

3. 有…天分的;有…天赋的
    Someone who is mathematically inclined or artistically inclined, for example, has a natural talent for mathematics or art.

    e.g. Bratby's grandfather had been artistically inclined.
    e.g. ...the needs of academically inclined pupils.

4. see also: incline

inclined 单语例句

1. International observers believe that so long as their Cold War mentality remains unchanged, the US leaders are inclined to play these cards against China time and again.

2. Their fame naturally wins them large audiences, who are already favorably inclined when they are admirable persons like Li and Jolie.

3. The lowest record yield was 430 million tons when farmers were less inclined to plant farm crops due to an inability to make profit.

4. inclined什么意思

4. While Totti might retire, defender Alessandro Nesta isn't so inclined.

5. That may make corporations less inclined to recruit, worsening the employment situation and hurting consumer confidence.

6. But a few of them are inclined to present a picture more fictional than factual.

7. The study also reveals that positively inclined people are more willing to work longer hours but only if they perceive their wages as being fair.

8. inclined

8. The daily journey means Li is perpetually tired and is usually inclined to fall into bed as soon as he gets home.

9. You may feel inclined to achieve your goals through sheer force of will and strength, but today a more subtle approach may get you farther.

10. Although some analysts believe issuing CDR is a more feasible choice for China Mobile, the regulator is inclined to adopt a simple and direct plan.

inclined 英英释义



1. at an angle to the horizontal or vertical position

    e.g. an inclined plane