1. 失禁:动物表现排粪频繁.见于各种类型的肠炎及伴发肠炎的各种传染病,如猪瘟,牛副结核,猪大肠杆菌病,仔猪副伤寒,传染性胃肠炎及某些肠道寄生虫病等.1.3排便失禁(incontinence) 动物表现不自主地排出粪便,
2. 尿失禁:3.尿失禁(incontinence)指尿液不自主从尿道逸出,可能与逼尿肌储尿功能有关,如急迫性尿失禁,也可能与尿道括约肌功能有关,如压力性或完全性尿失禁;下尿路梗阻或逼尿肌收缩无力所致的排尿障碍常导致充盈性尿失禁.
3. 无节制:incontestably 无讨论余地地 | incontinence 无节制 | incontinent 不能自制的
4. (大小便)失禁:impotency阳萎 | incontinence(大小便)失禁 | infect传染
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. (大便或小便)失禁
Incontinence is the inability to prevent urine or faeces coming out of your body.
e.g. Incontinence is not just a condition of old age.
1. " We get reports back that it helps people with incontinence, " Wilson said.
2. When it slips backward, it can cause worse problems such as paralysis of the legs and incontinence.
3. incontinence的意思
3. Several days ago, she was found suffering from a swollen kidney and incontinence.
4. In severe cases people can experience seizures, incontinence and loss of consciousness.
5. Despite improvements it was still suffering from a urinary tract infection and incontinence.
6. People with an overactive bladder experience a strong, sudden urge to urinate that may lead to incontinence.
1. indiscipline with regard to sensuous pleasures
Synonym: dissoluteness self-gratification
2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全
2. involuntary urination or defecation
Synonym: incontinency