incubation period

incubation period [ˌɪnkjəˈbeɪʃən ˈpiəriəd]  [ˌɪnkjəˈbeʃən ˈpɪriəd] 

incubation period 基本解释

潜伏期; 潜育期; 孵化期,(接种后的微生物)保温培养期,发酵周期

incubation period 网络解释

1. 潜伏期:潜伏期(incubation period)其实各家说法不太一样,但都约2周左右,但这是指感染到出现病症,可是出现病症后会多久才好或多久才死亡就不一定,下面网址有简单的介绍,你可以看看治疗部分,不要只看中文的网站,因为外国人比较实在,比较不会为了赚钱而乱说话.

2. 潜育期:3.潜育期(incubation period) 指病原物与寄主建立了寄生关系到出现明显症状的阶段. 在潜育期内,病原真菌和线虫要从寄主获得更多的营养物质供其生长发育,病原细菌和病毒则必须繁殖或复制更多的群体,病原物在寄生繁殖的同时也逐渐发挥其致病作用,

3. 潜伏期;孵化期;培育期:孵化;企图;潜伏期;酝酿;保温 incubation | 潜伏期;孵化期;培育期 incubation period | 细菌培养器 incubator

4. 孵化时间:incubation patch 抱卵点 | incubation period 孵化时间 | incubation time 培养时间

incubation period 单语例句

1. Sorensen said the state was not considering quarantines because the incubation period is as short as two days.

2. incubation period的翻译

2. Officials have said they expect to see more cases crop up, given that listeriosis has an average incubation period of three weeks.

3. It also said there might be more cases on campus because hepatitis A is highly infectious and its incubation period lasts 15 to 30 days.

4. He has concluded the long incubation period of the virus means many patients never receive tests or take necessary protection.

5. The incubation period from infection to symptoms usually high fever and breathing difficulties is one to three days.

6. The incubation period of the trichinosis disease depends on the number of parasites in the meat and the amount eaten.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. He had no travel history during the incubation period and none of his family members at home had symptoms.

8. The incubation period can last two to 10 days, but is usually three to four days.


9. The infectious tropical disease usually has an incubation period of between three and five days.

10. The rabies incubation period can last from a few weeks to months or even beyond a year.

incubation period 英英释义

incubation period


1. the period between infection and the appearance of symptoms of the disease