1. 潜伏期:二、潜伏期 潜伏期(incubation)是指当个人百思不解时,暂时将问题搁置,但潜意识仍在思索解决问题的方法. 三、豁朗期 豁朗期(illumination)是指个人突然顿悟,发现解决问题的关键. 四、验证期 验证期(verification)是指将顿悟的观念加以执行,
2. 酝酿期:Wallas和Olson更对此一创造历程作界定,非常值得设计创造思考教学之参考,Wallas (1926) 的界定分为四阶段,分别为1.准备期(preparation):搜集相关问题的资料,结合旧经验和新知识,2.酝酿期(incubation):尚无法对问题提出新构念,
1. Sorensen said the state was not considering quarantines because the incubation period is as short as two days.
2. Officials have said they expect to see more cases crop up, given that listeriosis has an average incubation period of three weeks.
3. It also said there might be more cases on campus because hepatitis A is highly infectious and its incubation period lasts 15 to 30 days.
4. A special incubation, rearing and protection centre was established in the county.
5. The government is offering more favorable policies for returned scientists by creating 50 technological incubation centers by 2010.
6. He has concluded the long incubation period of the virus means many patients never receive tests or take necessary protection.
7. Some reptiles do not determine sexes genetically, but rely on different incubation temperatures to determine the development of males and females.
8. The base aims to develop into a " science and technology innovation center, a talent gathering base and a business incubation base " for Qinghai province.
9. Tianfu Software Park has a total planned area of 100 hectares, while the Chengdu new and high technology incubation park covers 33 hectares.
10. The incubation period from infection to symptoms usually high fever and breathing difficulties is one to three days.
1. maintaining something at the most favorable temperature for its development
2. sitting on eggs so as to hatch them by the warmth of the body
Synonym: brooding
3. (pathology) the phase in the development of an infection between the time a pathogen enters the body and the time the first symptoms appear