
independent [ˌɪndɪˈpendənt]  [ˌɪndɪˈpɛndənt] 


比较级:more independent


最高级:most independent


independent 基本解释


形容词自主的; 不相关连的; 无党派的; 不相干的人所做的(或提供的)

名词独立自主的人; 无党派人士

independent 同义词


形容词autonomous self-reliant

independent 反义词



independent 相关词组

1. be independent of : 独立于...之外, 不受...支配, 与...无关, 不依赖...;

independent 网络解释

1. 独立候选人:这次大选结果是保守党(Conservative)赢143席(离155席的多数党政府门槛只差12票), 自由党(Liberal)获76席, 魁人党(Bloc Québécois)得50席, 新民党(New Democratic )取37席, 另有两个独立候选人(Independent)胜出.

2. 独立自主:HEIDIS 海蒂族,这名词最早是英国'未来实验室'首先提出的, 代表高教育(High(ly) Educated), 独立自主(Independent),专业学位个人主义(IndividualS)的新城市女性.

independent 词典解释

1. 相互独立的;彼此不关联的
    If one thing or person is independent of another, they are separate and not connected, so the first one is not affected or influenced by the second.

    e.g. Your questions should be independent of each other...
    e.g. We're going independent from the university and setting up our own group...

...several people working independently in different areas of the world...
The commission will operate independently of ministers.

2. independent是什么意思

2. 自立的;不需外援的
    If someone is independent, they do not need help or money from anyone else.

    e.g. Phil was now much more independent of his parents...
    e.g. She would like to be financially independent...

We aim to help disabled students to live and study independently.
...the independently-minded females of the Nineties...
90 年代思想独立的女性
He is independently wealthy.

3. independent的近义词

3. (国家)独立的
    Independent countries and states are not ruled by other countries but have their own government.

    e.g. ...a fully independent state...
    e.g. Papua New Guinea became independent from Australia in 1975.
           巴布亚新几内亚 1975 年脱离澳大利亚正式独立。

4. (组织)独立的,不受他人控制的
    An independent organization or other body is one that controls its own finances and operations, rather than being controlled by someone else.

    e.g. independent television station.
    e.g. ...the Office of Government Ethics, an independent agency.

5. (学校)私立的
    An independent school does not receive money from the government or local council, but from the fees paid by its students' parents or from charities.

    e.g. He taught chemistry at a leading independent school.

6. (调查、意见)独立的,不偏不倚的
    An independent inquiry or opinion is one that involves people who are not connected with a particular situation, and should therefore be fair.

    e.g. The government ordered an independent inquiry into the affair...
    e.g. An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government.

7. independent的近义词

7. 无党派的
    An independent politician is one who does not represent any political party.

    e.g. There's been a late surge of support for an independent candidate.
    e.g. ...the most powerful independent politician in France.

Be careful with the spelling of this word.
independent 单语例句

1. independent是什么意思

1. He also urged local railway bureaux to hand their passenger transport business over to independent railway companies by the end of the year.

2. Oslo Chamber of Commerce is an independent business organization that offers extensive assistance to both local and foreign companies.

3. independent在线翻译

3. The 48 Group Club is an independent business network committed to promoting positive relations with China.

4. The author Mo Fan is an independent contributor to China Business Weekly.

5. independent的近义词

5. Gasquet said he had a hair sample tested by an independent lab " which showed no trace of cocaine ".


6. Although Brilliance is a small company, we will take the way of independent innovation by all means.

7. independent

7. Both men were convicted earlier of perverting the course of justice by disclosing the identity of a witness protected by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. The remaining 14 seats were shared by small political parties and independent candidates.

9. When there are large differences in the grades given by the two parties, we usually put greater weight on the independent panel's evaluations.


10. These dichotomies illustrate the relativity of " objectivity " - there is no such thing as independent, calculable objectivity.

independent 英英释义


1. independent的反义词

1. a writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them

    Synonym: freelancer freelance free-lance free lance self-employed person

2. a neutral or uncommitted person (especially in politics)

    Synonym: mugwump fencesitter


1. free from external control and constraint

    e.g. an independent mind
           a series of independent judgments
           fiercely independent individualism

2. (of a clause) capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence

    e.g. the main (or independent) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb

    Synonym: main(a)

3. not controlled by a party or interest group

4. independent的意思

4. (of political bodies) not controlled by outside forces

    e.g. an autonomous judiciary
           a sovereign state

    Synonym: autonomous self-governing sovereign