1. 变址:变址 变址(indexing) 是计算机的一种寻址技术. 它用变址寄存器的内容来修改指令的地址部分. 相关他们
2. 分度:1905年Niles公司开发了间隙分度(Indexing)的磨齿机. 1924年Reishauer公司开发了丝锥磨床并发展成螺纹磨床. 1934年Niles公司制造了第一台全展成(Generating)磨齿机. 1945年Reishuer公司研制出第一台蜗杆砂轮磨齿技术.
3. 指数:编制指数(Indexing)是一般认为对抗通膨的一种有效方法,但大部份的企业资本却从未这样做,当然帐面每股盈余与股利通常会渐渐增加,若公司把所赚的钱再投资下去,即使是无通膨也是一样,就像是一个勤俭的薪水阶级,只要固定把他所赚薪水中的一半存入银行,
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. Former Congressman Tim Penny has raised the possibility of indexing benefits to prices rather than wages.
2. Important issues remain over how indexing arrangements for pensions in payment can best reflect the true needs of pensioners.
3. CSI 300 is designed for use as performance benchmarks and as basis for derivatives innovation and indexing.
4. indexing
4. The funds are unique in that they combine the opportunities of indexing with the advantages of stock trading.
1. the act of classifying and providing an index in order to make items easier to retrieve