
indictment [ɪnˈdaɪtmənt]  [ɪnˈdaɪtmənt] 


indictment 基本解释

名词诉状,起诉书; <尤美>刑事起诉书; 控告,起诉

indictment 网络解释

1. 控告:1994),与帕特里克.斯图尔特共同主演的电视电影<<白鲸>>(Moby Dick,1998)等. 在HBO的电影<<控告>>(Indictment)中,他因为出色地塑造了一个儿童性骚扰犯人而获得了当年金球奖的提名.

2. 起诉:即在大陪审团对重罪案件作出起诉(Indictment)决定后,检察官不再与辩方进行交易. 这种做法并不是禁止交易,而更多类似于第一种限制性规定. 1992年布诺克斯县的检察官率先采用了此种方式. 3、用要求被告人放弃获得陪审团审判的权利或者暂缓答辩(SlowPlea)的方式代替辩诉交易.

3. 起诉书:其主要功能有二,第一,审查证据,以决定证据的充足程度是否达到签发起诉书(indictment)的标准;第二,与起诉方合作发现起诉材料中尚未包含的证据. 从以上功能可以看出,美国的大陪审团起着调查、核实和补充证据的作用.

4. 公诉书:trial),也可以称为交付审判程序或预审程序. 举行这种程序的目的在于,由治安法官对那些按照公诉书(indictment)起诉的可诉罪(注:英国的犯罪若按照对审判方式的影响来分类,可包括简易罪(summary

indictment 词典解释

1. 控诉;谴责
    If you say that one thing is an indictment of another thing, you mean that it shows how bad the other thing is.

    e.g. It's a sad indictment of society that policemen are regarded as easy targets by thugs.

2. 控告;告发;起诉
    An indictment is a formal accusation that someone has committed a crime.

    e.g. Prosecutors may soon seek an indictment on racketeering and fraud charges...
    e.g. The government's indictment against the three men alleged unlawful trading.

indictment 单语例句

1. The gang was managed by business models and had formed a comparatively complete structure, according to the indictment.

2. The indictment said the defendants had collected geographical data indicating thousands of people would be killed in the chemical blast.

3. The indictment said the suspects referred to their plot as " the chicken farm " or " the chicken hatchery " but did not explain the code name.

4. The indictment alleges the four used improper means to obtain commercial secrets from Chinese steelmakers.

5. The inquiry commission did not call for a criminal indictment of wrongdoers.

6. The indictment charged all the defendants with conspiring to act as secret agents and also charged nine of them with conspiracy to commit money laundering.

7. She said in her indictment that she had been diagnosed with diabetes in 1997, and that her health had considerably worsened since.

8. Before the indictment was publicly released, the judge agreed to a prosecution request to delete portions dealing with the conspiracy count.

9. Wednesday's grand jury indictment supersedes the criminal case, which means prosecutors can skip a preliminary hearing and go straight to trial.

10. The indictment is the culmination of a federal investigation that lasted more than two years and scoured through virtually every corner of Edwards'political career.

indictment 英英释义



1. a formal document written for a prosecuting attorney charging a person with some offense

    Synonym: bill of indictment

2. an accusation of wrongdoing

    e.g. the book is an indictment of modern philosophy