
indiscriminate [ˌɪndɪsˈkrɪmɪnət]  [ˌɪndɪˈskrɪmənət] 

indiscriminate 基本解释


形容词不加选择的,不分青红皂白的; 随意的,任性的,任意的; 眼内无珠; 汗漫不可收拾

indiscriminate 网络解释


1. 无差别的:当需要使用可变类型(variant type)的时候,有三种可能的解决方案: 无差别的(Indiscriminate)类型,比如void*. 这种解决方案几乎永远不可能达到类型安全,要尽可能地避免使用它. 支持对一组类型进行存取的可变类型. 可以进行转换的类型,

2. 不加鉴别的,不加分析的,任意的:8. perpetuate 使永久,永存或持续 | 9. indiscriminate 不加鉴别的,不加分析的,任意的 | 10. boil down 归结为......

3. 不加区别的:indiscipline无纪律 | indiscretion不慎重 | indiscriminate不加区别的

4. 不分皂白的:indiscretionary 卤莽的 | indiscriminate 不分皂白的 | indiscriminating 不区别的

indiscriminate 词典解释

1. 不加区别的;不加选择的
    If you describe an action as indiscriminate, you are critical of it because it does not involve any careful thought or choice.

    e.g. The indiscriminate use of fertilisers is damaging to the environment.
    e.g. ...the indiscriminate killing of refugees.

The men opened fire indiscriminately...
I'm afraid this disease strikes indiscriminately.
indiscriminate 单语例句

1. The indiscriminate carnage turned Urumqi into a city of terror that night, leaving hundreds dead or injured without knowing why.

2. Indiscriminate use of plastic bags results in the clogging of sewers, causing flooding and endangering human life and property.

3. indiscriminate

3. Several measures have been enacted to combat indiscriminate government spending in recent years, including one passed last year requiring ministries disclose their expenditures on sangong expenses.

4. Another factor that thwart translators to perfect their art is the comparatively low and indiscriminate payment offered.

5. We will put a complete stop to indiscriminate mining and serious waste and environmental destruction in the mining of energy resources and minerals.

6. indiscriminate的意思

6. This indiscriminate copying could spare their investment in the treatment of discharged waste and renovation of technology for the reduction of pollutant emissions.

7. The indiscriminate carnage on Sunday was cursed because it targeted innocent citizens.

8. There was no elaboration of what happened in the village, where residents say five family members were killed by " indiscriminate " fire.

9. The report criticized " suppressing, " or indiscriminate fire used during arrest operations to immobilize possible enemy forces.

10. It comes after Amnesty accused Israel of violating international law with indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on civilian targets in Lebanon.

indiscriminate 英英释义


1. not marked by fine distinctions

    e.g. indiscriminate reading habits
           an indiscriminate mixture of colors and styles

2. failing to make or recognize distinctions