
indulgent [ɪnˈdʌldʒənt]  [ɪnˈdʌldʒənt] 

indulgent 基本解释


形容词宽容的; 任性的; 放纵的,纵容的

indulgent 网络解释

1. 纵容的:indulgence 恣纵 | indulgent 纵容的 | industrial accident 工厂事故

2. 其他:冷:indifferent, lukewarm, unsympathetic, noncha... | 怒:rage, outrage, wrath, exasperation, irritation, indign... | 其他:indulgent, paranoia, hostile, resigned, begrudging, mischievous, moralistic, attack

3. 放纵的:Radical:根本的 | Indulgent:放纵的 | Enrage:愤怒

4. 放纵的,溺爱的:incredulous 疑心重的 | indulgent 放纵的,溺爱的 | insignificant 微不足道的

indulgent 词典解释


1. 纵容的;宽厚的;溺爱的
    If you are indulgent, you treat a person with special kindness, often in a way that is not good for them.

    e.g. His indulgent mother was willing to let him do anything he wanted.

Ned smiled at him indulgently.
indulgent 单语例句

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1. Guests who dine in Cachet during this time can also enjoy indulgent chocolate desserts created by Rovira.

2. For the overly indulgent, do not forget to try the cheesecake.

3. Though schools universally have banned corporal punishment, parents who prefer not to use " the rod " are often considered indulgent.

4. Learn how to make choux pastry to create your puff and pipe pastry cream into the center of these little indulgent treats.

5. Among the other reasons for the falling health of students are indulgent parents who try to keep their children away from physical exertion.

6. Some urban wine makers said they enjoyed sharing the fun of wine making with their families besides getting indulgent in the strong flavour of wine.

7. But they can be stubborn and even aggressive if owners are indulgent or relinquish leadership to them.

8. And what could be more indulgent than baking a sweet pie or cake?

9. indulgent是什么意思

9. Zhao Jing says wearing a qipao puts her in an indulgent mood.

10. I am not saying that men and women should both be indulgent in sex.

indulgent 英英释义


1. being favorably inclined

    e.g. an indulgent attitude

2. indulgent的解释

2. characterized by or given to yielding to the wishes of someone

    e.g. indulgent grandparents

3. tolerant or lenient

    e.g. indulgent parents risk spoiling their children
           too soft on the children
           they are soft on crime

    Synonym: lenient soft