
inebriation [ɪˌni:brɪ'eɪʃn]  [ɪˌni:brɪ'eɪʃn] 

inebriation 基本解释


inebriation 网络解释

1. 酒醉:industry vs?inferiority conflict 勤业与自卑的矛盾 | inebriation 酒醉 | inebriety 醉癖

2. 醉:inebriated 酒醉的 | inebriation 醉 | inebriety 醉

3. 醉癖:自杀 ; idioctionia | 醉癖 ; inebriation | 反射 ; jerk

4. 醉;酩酊:industrial nuisance 工业公害 | inebriation 醉;酩酊 | inedibility 不可食性

inebriation 单语例句

1. inebriation

1. Before then, you can experience the feeling of inebriation without touching a drop.

inebriation 英英释义


1. inebriation

1. a temporary state resulting from excessive consumption of alcohol

    Synonym: drunkenness inebriety intoxication tipsiness insobriety

2. habitual intoxication
    prolonged and excessive intake of alcoholic drinks leading to a breakdown in health and an addiction to alcohol such that abrupt deprivation leads to severe withdrawal symptoms

    Synonym: alcoholism alcohol addiction drunkenness