
ineffable [ɪnˈefəbl]  [ɪnˈɛfəbəl] 

ineffable 基本解释

形容词不可言喻的; 妙不可言的; (尤指某些宗教中神的名字)因神圣而不容称呼的; 须避讳的

ineffable 网络解释


1. 不能说的:duration 持续时间 | ineffable不能说的 | fable寓言

2. 不可言喻的;应该避讳的:Prolific 多育的,多产的 | Ineffable 不可言喻的;应该避讳的 | Mundane 世俗的,庸俗的

3. 无法表达的:affable 易于交谈的;和蔼的 | ineffable 无法表达的 | affection 感情

4. 妙不可言的,说不出的:inebriate 使醉,n. 酒鬼,酒徒 | ineffable 妙不可言的,说不出的 | ineffaceable 抹不掉的,不能消除的

ineffable 词典解释

1. ineffable在线翻译

1. 言语难以表达的;不可言喻的
    You use ineffable to say that something is so great or extreme that it cannot be described in words.

    e.g. ...the ineffable sadness of many of the portraits.

Walters is ineffably entertaining.
...his ineffably powerful brain.
ineffable 单语例句

1. The story is about ineffable things, but the police procedural aspects of " The Illusionist " make it all too effable.

ineffable 英英释义



1. defying expression or description

    e.g. indefinable yearnings
           indescribable beauty
           ineffable ecstasy
           inexpressible anguish
           unspeakable happiness
           unutterable contempt
           a thing of untellable splendor

    Synonym: indefinable indescribable unspeakable untellable unutterable

2. ineffable在线翻译

2. too sacred to be uttered

    e.g. the ineffable name of the Deity

    Synonym: unnameable unspeakable unutterable