
inescapable [ˌɪnɪˈskeɪpəbl]  [ˌɪnɪˈskepəbəl] 

inescapable 基本解释

形容词不可推卸; 不可避免的,逃避不了的

inescapable 反义词



inescapable 网络解释


1. 逃避不了的:inertia 惰性 | inescapable 逃避不了的 | inestimable parameter 无法估计参数

2. 逃不掉的:inertlifelessinanimation 无生命 | inescapable 逃不掉的 | inescapablyinextricably 逃不掉地

3. 无法逃脱的:Resentful 愤恨的,感觉不愉快的 | Inescapable 无法逃脱的 | Insensitive 感觉迟钝的

inescapable 词典解释

1. inescapable的意思

1. 不容忽视的;不可避免的;必然发生的
    If you describe a fact, situation, or activity as inescapable, you mean that it is difficult not to notice it or be affected by it.

    e.g. The economic logic of reform is inescapable...
    e.g. A sense of imminent doom was inescapable.

It is inescapably clear that they won't turn round.
inescapable 单语例句

1. He admitted the government has inescapable responsibility in the tragedy and said, " We feel deeply guilty and remorseful ".

2. So it seems inescapable that consumer expenditure growth will initially be handicapped by domestic job losses and reduced incomes in those industries.

3. Both the green fox and the heroine embody the desire for forbidden love and an inescapable sense of dislocation.

4. inescapable的翻译

4. She would have been inescapable if her father had won, in her estimation.

5. It was so idiomatic the parallels with China's starving and aspiring artists were inescapable.


6. The distinguished immunologist called the fight against bird flu " an inescapable challenge ".

7. " Get white " messages are inescapable in this part of the world.

8. The recent push toward greater financial transparency is an inescapable move to make the establishment truly " the people's ".

9. He warned that stagnation can be an inescapable consequence for countries where the labor pool shrinks.

10. Following the return of Hong Kong and the return of Chinese sovereignty, national identity has become an inescapable question for the people of Hong Kong.