
infanta [ɪn'fæntə]  [ɪn'fæntə] 



infanta 基本解释


infanta 网络解释


1. 郡主:infant 婴儿 | infanta 郡主 | infante 王子

2. 婴儿的,幼稚的,初期的; n. 婴儿,幼儿:705infamousa. 无耻的,不名誉的,声名狼藉的 | 706infanta. 婴儿的,幼稚的,初期的; n. 婴儿,幼儿 | 707infantryn. 步兵(部队)

3. 内亲王:infanette 婴儿床 | infanta 内亲王 | infanta 郡主

4. 婴儿的,幼小的:1) infanta. 婴儿的,幼小的 | 2) explicita. 清楚的 | 3) tombstonen. 墓碑

infanta 双语例句

1. Every person with knowledge of great gems was likely to be familiar with the stone: A grayish blue diamond taken to Europe in the 17th century from India, it was given in 1664 to the Infanta Margarita Teresa by her father, the king of Spain, eventually becoming a fixture of both the Austrian and Bavarian crown jewels.

2. Oh story She is not my sister, she is infanta.

3. Anything, only has not been emperor seals me as the infanta!

4. It lent us Yeats's pilgrim soul and Herrick's sweet infanta, and Keats's bright star.

5. At her instigation the Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia called the friars from Rome, with the result that foundations increased rapidly.

6. So Velázquez`s 1653 portrait in oil of the Infanta Maria Marguerita hangs alongside Picasso`s geometric riot of yellow, red and green of the same subject.

7. Infanta Margarita (1651-73) in Blue, 1659


8. Renaissance balloon sleeves cropped up alongside infanta dresses and draped chiffon gowns.

9. The Old Dan python's color only uses yellow and the olive yellow generally, the yellow uses in the queen mother, the olive yellow uses in the old infanta, always informing assigns madame.

10. So Vel á zquez's1653 portrait in oil of the Infanta Maria Marguerita hangs alongside Picasso's geometric riot of yellow, red and green of the same subject.

11. The six processes as themes all appear in The Birthday of the Infanta. Material process as theme has the largest percentage and mental process as theme has the smallest percentage among the six processes as theme.

infanta 单语例句

1. He said police communications equipment and vehicles in Infanta were damaged and the whole town was underwater.