
infarction [ɪnˈfɑ:kʃn]  [ɪnˈfɑ:rkʃn] 

infarction 基本解释



infarction 网络解释


1. 梗塞:动脉血管栓塞术(TAE)及经由血管导管将栓塞物质注入所选定的器官血管内,造成血管阻塞,被阻塞的血管由於血液供应不足而发生梗塞 (Infarction),及组织坏死,因为血管的梗塞会有疼痛及不适感,因此病人可能引起发烧等症状,这个过程称为血管栓塞术.

2. 梗死:第五节 梗死(infarction) 一、定义:局部器官、组织由于血流中断所发生的一种缺血性坏死. (动脉血流突然中断,侧枝循环又不能及时建立,而造成局部组织的缺血性坏死称为梗死. ) 二、原因: 1、血管受压(闭塞):多见于肠套叠、肠疝,

3. 梗死形成:因动脉血流断绝而引起组织或器官的局部性坏死的过程,称为梗死形成(infarction). 所出现的坏死灶,称为梗死灶(infarct)

4. 梗塞,梗死:hemorrhage, bleeding 出血 | infarction 梗塞,梗死 | infection 传染

infarction 单语例句

1. infarction

1. Chronic inflammation of tissues in the circulatory system is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, such as myocardial infarction or stroke.

2. But most of the deaths occurred to old people who have myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage.

3. His son surnamed Su said his father had suffered from myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular disease for years.

4. He died of a myocardial infarction at home, on the night of May 23.

5. The Beijing Times reported Wednesday that the doctor who made the diagnosis of a miocardial infarction claimed he had been pressured by the police.

6. infarction是什么意思

6. He was diagnosed with myocardial infarction after he was found unconscious after a physical workout on Nov 23.

7. The patient then was treated for myocardial infarction and prescribed anticoagulant medicines, which led to patient's second collapse on Friday.

infarction 英英释义


1. infarction

1. localized necrosis resulting from obstruction of the blood supply

    Synonym: infarct