
infections [ɪn'fekʃnz]  [ɪn'fekʃnz] 



infections 基本解释
传染病;<医>传染,感染( infection的名词复数 );
infections 网络解释

1. 感染:各种维生素缺乏症 Various Kinds of Avitaminosis | 感染 Infections | 低血糖 Hypoglycemia

2. 發炎:Diuretic利尿 | Infections發炎 | Hypoglycemia低血糖症

3. 传染的:waxy像蜡的 | infections传染的 | cerumen耵聍,耳垢

4. 还不算这些附带的伤害 包括流血 感染 淤青:- two stem-cell purges. - She was he... | Not to mention the side effects, including bleeding, infections, bruising,|还不算这些附带的伤害 包括流血 感染 淤青 | Filgrastim shots. Those are growth hormone...

infections 单语例句

1. He is now in a stable condition but is still battling infections caused by dying tissue developing on his face and nose.

2. The UN AIDS agency says the number of infections could rise tenfold to 10 million by 2010 if urgent action is not taken.

3. These include increases in weight and height, less exposure to early infections in childhood and delivery by caesarean section.

4. A survey conducted by WTI found most captive snakes to be in poor health, with mouth infections from the venom removal.

5. Milne said there was no indication of infections in domestic poultry, and no reason to believe the carcass had been partially eaten by a domestic animal.

6. Chile is the latest country to report a case, bringing the total number of nations confirming infections to 40.

7. Pregnant women are more likely to suffer pneumonia when they catch flu, and flu infections have raised the risk of premature birth in past flu epidemics.

8. The center's staff have visited the school and advised the management to adopt measures against respiratory tract infections.

9. Researchers said the 11 to 14 is the best age to receive the vaccine, which may prevent virus infections associated with the development of cervical cancer.

10. At first infections were reported in healthy adults, followed by chronically ill patients and then children.