
infiltration [ˌɪnfɪl'treɪʃn]  [ˌɪnfɪlˈtreʃən] 

infiltration 基本解释


名词渗透; 入渗; 渗滤; 下渗

infiltration 网络解释


1. 浸润:◎输完每单位乳脂剂(Lipids)须更换套管. ◎输完每单位乳脂剂(Lipids)后,须更换套管(IV Set若Lipids与TPN一起输入,须等完全输入后再更换套管与管路. 周边(未稍)静脉导管(PIV)的护理准则:中央导管(CVC)的护理准则:浸润(Infiltration)评估纪录准则:

2. 入渗:[21] 入渗(infiltration) 指水从土壤表面渗入土壤内的运动过程. 它是降雨径流损失的主要组成部分. 按水向土壤中 运动的形式,可把下渗归纳为重力下渗,毛管下渗和自由下渗三种基本形式. [14] 萨瓦纳(savanna) 又称稀树草原. 是一种阳生,

infiltration 单语例句

1. Examination of the tissue of the mice revealed mild cellular infiltration and decreased mucus deposition in the airways.

2. The provincial official also stressed that the operation of its screen system is based on keyword infiltration and not all text messages are actually checked.

3. Wang said XPCC has been a decisive force in smashing and resisting internal and external separatists attempts at sabotage and infiltration in past years.

4. Pakistan concedes some cross border infiltration of militants but wants Afghan government and foreign forces to tighten border controls on their side.

5. The agenda said the SARA will strengthen regulation of foreign nationals'group religious activities in China and resist foreign infiltration under the pretext of religion.

6. infiltration

6. They will be focused mainly on foiling infiltration bids of DPRK submarines, the source told Yonhap.

7. " In recent weeks there has been some drop in infiltration, " he said.

8. She had vowed to support tough military measures against Islamist militants who have used the border regions as a staging area for infiltration into Afghanistan.


9. Moscow has vowed to bring stability to the region by improving social services, raising pensions and salaries as a measure to tackle corruption and terrorism infiltration.

10. Samir Kantar is serving multiple life sentences for killing four Israelis in a 1979 infiltration of an apartment building in northern Israel.

infiltration 英英释义


1. a process in which individuals (or small groups) penetrate an area (especially the military penetration of enemy positions without detection)

2. the slow passage of a liquid through a filtering medium

    e.g. the percolation of rainwater through the soil
           the infiltration of seawater through the lava

    Synonym: percolation