
inflorescence [ˌɪnflɔ:'resns]  [ˌɪnfloʊ'resəns] 

inflorescence 基本解释

名词开花,花,花序; 花朵; 花簇

inflorescence 网络解释

1. 花序:3.7花序(inflorescence)许多小花按一定顺序排列在仅有苞片的花枝上此花枝称为花序. 3.8色即是空2在线观看g风云堂第7色g军事模型制作gdddd4花枝(花茎)(flowering shoots)着生花的枝条,其上有节、节间和叶片或分枝.

2. 开花,花,花序:inflated double film 双层充气膜 | inflorescence 开花,花,花序 | informed research 已有的研究

3. 开花:inflood 流入 | inflorescence 开花 | inflorescent 开花的

4. 花序列:膨胀 inflation | 花序列 inflorescence | 花序轴 inflorescence axis

inflorescence 英英释义



1. the flowering part of a plant or arrangement of flowers on a stalk

2. the time and process of budding and unfolding of blossoms

    Synonym: blossoming flowering florescence anthesis efflorescence