
infotainment [ˌɪnfəʊˈteɪnmənt]  [ˌɪnfoʊˈteɪnmənt] 

infotainment 基本解释
infotainment 网络解释


1. 新闻娱乐化:李说,以他观察,新闻娱乐化(infotainment)是传媒形象转差的成因. 有人说,这种风气是由<<今日睇真D>>开始,传媒开始语不惊人死不休,哗众取宠,文不对题,两日内立场一百八十度转变也有. 李对於图片多,文字少,字大的作法,还没有什麼强烈意见;

2. 信息娱乐服务:另外,Gifford认为车载信息服务(Telematics)将是今后IT的增长领域,尤其是称为信息娱乐服务(Infotainment)的娱乐信息领域. 车载信息服务首先为在安全及解决方案领域构筑与顾客的双方关系而推出,随后经过导航仪的鼎盛期,最后信息娱乐服务将大显身手.

3. 娱乐性新闻节目:ham 火腿族 320 | infotainment 娱乐性新闻节目 320 | paparazzi 狗仔队 322

infotainment 单语例句

1. Harman International has opened a new manufacturing facility to produce automotive audio and infotainment systems.

2. Audio entertainment equipment maker Harman International launched its latest generation automotive infotainment system Tuesday in Shanghai.

3. The company now offers many interior modifications to meet local preferences in color, seats and the infotainment system.

4. Localized improvements were also made to German infotainment devices to meet the needs of Chinese customers.

5. " It is truly an exciting time to be part of the infotainment team, " said the young man.

6. Unfortunately, the concept of infotainment has been picked up quickly by many Chinese news organizations.

infotainment 英英释义


1. a film or TV program presenting the facts about a person or event

    Synonym: documentary docudrama documentary film