
infrequently [ɪn'fri:kwəntlɪ]  [ɪnˈfrikwəntlɪ] 

infrequently 基本解释



infrequently 网络解释


1. 很少发生地:infrequent 稀少的 | infrequently 很少发生地 | infringe upon 侵害

2. 不经常地;少有:sofa 沙发椅 | infrequently 不经常地;少有 | constitution 体质

3. 不频繁地:photographic: 摄影的,摄制的 | infrequently: 不频繁地 | synthetic: 合成的

4. 稀少地; 珍贵地 (副):infrequent 稀少的, 罕见的, 珍贵的 (形) | infrequently 稀少地; 珍贵地 (副) | infringe 违犯; 违反; 侵犯; 侵犯; 侵害 (动)

infrequently 单语例句

1. There was no difference between the proportion of identical and nonidentical twins who never or infrequently reached orgasm by either method.

2. The convoy was traveling on the Iraq Military Road, which is infrequently used by civilian vehicles.

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3. The report said that the small trains have fewer than needed carriages, and that they run infrequently despite crowds of visitors.

4. First seen by Europeans in Sumatra island in 1878, the plant flowers only infrequently in the wild and even more rarely when domesticated.

5. It was a concern that caused daily quarrels between neighbours that not infrequently led to disasters.

6. Almost all the women in the Tulane study who said they used sexual behavior said they did so infrequently.

7. But his big games aren't quite as big as they used to be, and they're coming a little more infrequently.

8. infrequently

8. They rent equipment at resorts, and a lot of that gear is updated infrequently.

9. infrequently

9. It was rare in those days to have showers or baths at home and people would wash very infrequently.

infrequently 英英释义



1. not many times

    e.g. in your 1850 church you not infrequently find a dramatic contrast between the sumptuous appointments of the building itself and the inhuman barrack-like living conditions in the church room