
ingenious [ɪnˈdʒi:niəs]  [ɪnˈdʒinjəs] 

ingenious 基本解释


形容词精巧的; 灵巧的; 设计独特的; 有天才的,聪明的

ingenious 同义词


形容词proficient inspired original clever inventive masterful productive imaginative skillful creative

ingenious 反义词


形容词awkward unskilful clumsy

ingenious 相关例句



1. It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ingenious plan.

2. An ingenious idea suddenly came upon him when he was taking a walk with his wife.

3. The ingenious boy made a radio set for himself.

ingenious 网络解释

1. 有独创性的:500强欢迎有现代化思维(Deliberate thinking)、战略眼光(Strategy vision)、有独创性的(Ingenious)能力,富创造力的(Creative)创新思想,能够创造成功(Create victory),为企业创造有价值(value)新意的员工,在面试时常会问到:你最近的一次创新活动是什么?

2. 智谋棋:游戏人数:2-5 游戏特征:建设 游戏时长:80分钟 发行时间:2009 适合年龄...战线 (Battle Line) 设计者:Reiner Knizia 游戏人数:2-2 游戏特征:战争 游戏时长:30分钟 发行时间:2000 适合年龄:12+ ...智谋棋 (Ingenious) 设计者:Rein

3. 独创性的:如:500强欢迎有现代化思维(Deliberate thinking)、战略眼光(Strategy vision)、有独创性的(Ingenious)能力,富创造力的(Creative)创新思想,能够创造成功(Create victory),为企业创造有价值()新意的员工,在面试时常会问到:你最近的一次创新活动是什么?

4. 有发明天才,灵敏的:infuse 灌输,鼓舞 | ingenious 有发明天才,灵敏的 | ingenuous 坦白,老实,诚朴的

ingenious 词典解释

1. 巧妙的;制作精巧的;新颖独特的
    Something that is ingenious is very clever and involves new ideas, methods, or equipment.

    e.g. ...a truly ingenious invention...
    e.g. Gautier's solution to the puzzle is ingenious.

The roof has been ingeniously designed to provide solar heating.
ingenious 单语例句

1. ingenious的解释

1. It will present ingenious stage effects by multimedia images and large stage machinery.

2. But some local agencies have found ingenious ways to bypass them either out of local protectionism or personal interest.

3. Many parts of the country have imposed advertising restrictions, though tobacco firms have found ingenious ways to circumvent the rules.

4. But the most ingenious invention is to add " ing " as a suffix to a Chinese verb to denote continuous action.

5. Future medical examinations will be made easier with an ingenious tablet developed in Israel and on display at that country's pavilion.

6. The rows of furrows where actors pop up and vanish are ingenious as stage design, and lighting enhances the innate drama.

7. ingenious

7. Another ingenious way is to throw pebbles and sand into the air, and experts can see any gleaming jade in this rainfall of stones.

8. ingenious

8. The transformation of major State banks into ingenious commercial banks in recent years has reduced financial support for rural residents and small businesses.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. This ingenious oven smokes food slowly so as to retain the natural juices and provide a lovely woody flavour to meats.

10. The prize for this year's most ingenious fraud should probably go to the entrepreneur who developed a chemical powder that keeps fish alive.

ingenious 英英释义



1. showing inventiveness and skill

    e.g. a clever gadget
           the cunning maneuvers leading to his success
           an ingenious solution to the problem

    Synonym: clever cunning