1. 遗传病:遗传病(Inherited Disease)是指胎儿出生前因染色体结构或数目异常,或基因突变而导致的疾病.遗传病多为先天性疾病(Congenital Disease),但先天性疾病不一定都是遗传病.遗传病具有先天性、终生性及家族性等特点.通常将遗传性疾病分为三类,
2. 遗传性疾病:裂开性小眼 colobomatous microphthalmia | 遗传性疾病 inherited disease | 蛔虫卵肉芽肿 ascaris ova granuloma
1. PGD has already been used in the UK to free babies of inherited disorders such as cystic fibrosis and Huntington's disease.
2. In one case, a baby with inherited heart disease had been abandoned by his parents.
3. Congenital blindness is a kind of autosomal recessive inherited retinal degenerative disease.
4. The only other documented case of a disease inherited through sperm donation involved a rare blood disease.
5. inherited disease
5. The latest exploit thus opens up hopes of eventually breeding colonies of transgenic primates with inherited traits that closely replicate human disease.
1. a disease or disorder that is inherited genetically
Synonym: genetic disease genetic disorder genetic abnormality genetic defect congenital disease inherited disorder hereditary disease hereditary condition