inland lake

inland lake [ˈinlənd leik]  [ˈɪnlənd lek] 

inland lake 基本解释
inland lake 网络解释

1. 内陆湖:这些新的观点解释了这样一个问题:为什么一些通常只生活在海洋中的生物(比如海豚),如今在亚马孙内陆湖(inland lake)中也同样繁盛?沉积物泄露天机了解亚马孙河形成时间及形成方式,对于揭示这条河影响亚马孙生物进化的细节至关重要.

inland lake 单语例句

1. inland lake在线翻译

1. The rare albino apparently was swimming with his mother on the lake, which is an inland saltwater estuary north of the Gulf of Mexico.

2. Being the largest inland salt lake, its periphery is 360 plus km.

3. inland lake

3. The city's 6 sq km Dongchang Lake ranked tops in terms of water quality among all lakes in inland cities.

4. As China's largest inland saltwater lake and one of the world's most important wetlands, the lake is a natural place for bird breeding.