inner ear

inner ear [ˈinə iə]  [ˈɪnɚ ɪr] 

inner ear 基本解释

inner ear的翻译

内耳; 迷路

inner ear 网络解释

1. 内耳:病在內耳(inner ear或為神經型(neural)──則毛病在聽神經(hearing...梅尼爾氏病的急性發作,是內耳(inner ear)裡,液體壓力的變化(fluctuating)...

2. 耳蜗:耳针:Ear-acupuncture | 耳蜗:inner ear | 内耳:Inner ear

inner ear 单语例句

1. Damage to the hair cells in the inner ear is called sensorineural hearing loss or " cochlear concussion ".

2. A military official said the device emits a special frequency that targets the inner ear.

3. inner ear

3. Th e ear can withstand about eight hours of this sound pressure before cells in the inner ear begin to be damaged.

4. Acoustic neuromas develop on the nerve linking the brain and the inner ear.

5. That's because loud noise doesn't always damage the delicate inner ear immediately just by brute force.

inner ear 英英释义


1. a complex system of interconnecting cavities
    concerned with hearing and equilibrium

    Synonym: internal ear labyrinth