
insert [ɪnˈsɜ:t]  [ɪnˈsɜ:rt] 






insert 基本解释

及物动词插入; 嵌入; (在文章中)添加; 加插

名词插入物; 添入物(尤指一页印刷品图中插入或套印的小图); (书报的)插页; 添加物

insert 相关例句


1. The book would be improved by inserting another chapter.

2. She inserted a patch in the sleeve.

3. He inserted the wooden peg into the hole.

4. They inserted an advertisement in the newspaper.


1. The newspaper had an insert of pages of pictures.

insert 网络解释

1. 入块:号块的创建与使用 11.1 存储和参照块的方法 11.1.1 在当前图形中创建块定义 11.1.2 创建专业符号库 11.1.3 创建用作块的图形文件 11.1.4 控制块中对象的特性 11.2 在图形中插入块 11.2.1 使用[插入块](insert)命令插入块 11.

2. 将命名块或图形插入到当前图形中:(ERASE)X ---- 将组合对象分解为对象组件(EXPLODE)EX ---- 延伸对象到另一对象(EXTEND)F ---- 给对象的边加圆角(FILLET)HE ---- 修改现有的图案填充对象(HATCHEDIT)I ---- 将命名块或图形插入到当前图形中(INSERT)LA ---- 管

insert 词典解释
The verb is pronounced /ɪn'sɜːt/. The noun is pronounced /'ɪnsɜːt/. 动词读作 /ɪn'sɜːt/。名词读作 /'ɪnsɜːt/。

1. 插入;嵌入
    If you insert an object into something, you put the object inside it.

    e.g. He took a small key from his pocket and slowly inserted it into the lock...
    e.g. Wait for a couple of minutes with your mouth closed before inserting the thermometer.

...the first experiment involving the insertion of a new gene into a human being.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. (在文章或讲话中)插入,添加
    If you insert a comment into a piece of writing or a speech, you include it.

    e.g. They joined with the monarchists to insert a clause calling for a popular vote on the issue.

He recorded an item for insertion in the programme.

3. insert在线翻译

3. 插入物;(尤指夹在书刊中的)活页广告
    An insert is something that is inserted somewhere, especially an advertisement on a piece of paper that is placed between the pages of a book or magazine.

insert 单语例句

1. Some spammers even insert many normal characters between the banned keywords, and then highlight those keywords using different colours to put their real information through.

2. The female version gives women their own option for protection and allows them to insert a condom before intercourse.

3. Zhao believes the revival of Laozi's philosophy will insert a thundering crescendo into the symphony of the New Age.

4. Just insert your finger into the machine, and a digital camera inside transmits an image of your fingernail to the computer.

5. A possible form and a key research agenda is the public incentives and advantages for the projects that insert the larger number of small producers.

6. He said that he would insert 2008 silver needles in his face in 2008 to mark the Beijing Olympic Games.

7. The execution team was able to access a vein, but it collapsed when technicians tried to insert saline fluid.

8. The lyrics provide a glimpse into the band's methods, with Lennon noting where Paul McCartney would insert his more upbeat verse.

9. " These companies insert themselves in information passing part of the consumer transaction, " said Pontin.

10. This is the first time for the CPC to insert the clauses in its Constitution.

insert 英英释义



1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. (film) a still picture that is introduced and that interrupts the action of a film

    Synonym: cut-in

2. (broadcasting) a local announcement inserted into a network program

    Synonym: cut-in

3. insert

3. an artifact that is inserted or is to be inserted

    Synonym: inset

4. a folded section placed between the leaves of another publication


1. introduce

    e.g. Insert your ticket here

    Synonym: enclose inclose stick in put in introduce

2. insert是什么意思

2. insert casually

    e.g. She slipped in a reference to her own work

    Synonym: slip in stick in sneak in

3. fit snugly into

    e.g. insert your ticket into the slot
           tuck your shirttail in

    Synonym: tuck

4. insert

4. put or introduce into something

    e.g. insert a picture into the text

    Synonym: infix enter introduce