
insignificant [ˌɪnsɪgˈnɪfɪkənt]  [ˌɪnsɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt] 

insignificant 基本解释

形容词不重要的; 微小的; 毫无意义的; 不足道

insignificant 同义词


形容词small slight negligible trivial unimportant little meaningless

insignificant 反义词



insignificant 相关例句



1. This problem was insignificant compared to others she faced.

insignificant 网络解释

1. 不重要:(1)美国或第三国生产或组装的程序是否为该产品生产程序中的一小部分(minor)或不重要(insignificant)的部分. 对于这一判断标准,美国商务部通常考虑的因素有:a在美国或第三国的投资程度;b在美国或第三国的研究与开发程度;

2. 无意义的,轻微的:Inside-out testing 外泄检测 泄出检测 | insignificant 无意义的,轻微的 | insolation 曝晒,日照

3. 无关紧要的:Sustain 支撑,持续 support | Insignificant 无关紧要的unimportant | Ultimately 最后,最终 eventually

4. 无关紧要、可忽略的:insert 插入、嵌入 | insignificant 无关紧要、可忽略的 | inspection 检察、视察

insignificant 词典解释

1. insignificant是什么意思

1. 不重要的;无足轻重的
    Something that is insignificant is unimportant, especially because it is very small.

    e.g. In 1949 Bonn was a small, insignificant city.
           1949 年时波恩还是个无足轻重的小城市。

insignificant 单语例句

1. " But the magnitude of the association is clinically insignificant, " he added.

2. But perhaps the more common threat to public order is often an insignificant law violation.

3. In a statement issued late Saturday it said the latest weather forecast shows that the ash concentration will remain insignificant throughout Tuesday.

4. insignificant

4. Four of the latest polls called the contest a dead heat, while six others gave Bush a statistically insignificant lead of one to three points.

5. insignificant的反义词

5. Such discrepancies might even seem insignificant, but could potentially cripple the credibility of your leaders and management.

6. That some otherwise insignificant discords have snowballed into damaging " mass incidents " is a warning sign the authorities cannot afford to neglect.


7. Obama pulled within one point of Clinton in the state's Democratic race - a statistically insignificant lead.

8. insignificant什么意思

8. The fen notes are now rather insignificant, and the design has not changed since 1953.

9. Still, it is insignificant in comparison with that of developed countries.

10. But the results of their efforts are too insignificant to make much of a difference in the deeply entrenched consumer pattern.

insignificant 英英释义



1. insignificant的近义词

1. not worthy of notice

    Synonym: undistinguished

2. insignificant的反义词

2. of little importance or influence or power
    of minor status

    e.g. a minor, insignificant bureaucrat
           peanut politicians

    Synonym: peanut

3. signifying nothing

    e.g. insignificant sounds

4. insignificant是什么意思

4. devoid of importance, meaning, or force

    Synonym: unimportant