
insofar [ˌɪnsəʊ'fɑ:]  [ˌɪnsoʊ'fɑ:] 

insofar 基本解释



insofar 相关例句


1. I'll help you insofar as I can.

2. I shall do what I can insofar as I am able.

3. Insofar as I can see, the representatives are all satisfied with the arrangement.

4. Insofar as I can say now, I shall come.

5. Insofar as possible, our examples will be drawn from Chinese.

insofar 网络解释


1. 范围:关于烙印(stigma,与以上之劣等系同一词根,主要还是以被打烙印为其特指)的逻辑提醒了我们,社会身份认同是打了烙印的个体或群体中的一场争斗中的被树立者,更通常地说,作为关于分类的潜在之物的范围(insofar)内的任何个体或群体,

2. 在......范围:torsion 扭转、扭力 | insofar 在......范围 | cohesive 内聚性的

3. 在...的范围:insociable 不爱社交的 | insofar 在...的范围 | insolate 曝晒

4. 在...的范围 (副):insobriety 不节制; 酗酒; 暴饮 (名) | insofar 在...的范围 (副) | insolation 日晒; 日光浴; 中暑 (名)

insofar 单语例句

1. Now we realize that it matters only insofar as people consume and produce.

2. But nothing happened in the country insofar as selling renminbi to buy US dollars was concerned.

3. Karl Marx argued that civic rights were only abstract rights insofar as the material conditions to exercise them were not insured.

4. Some reasons for these are attributable to its history and culture insofar as charting its future is concerned.

insofar 英英释义


1. to the degree or extent that

    e.g. insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man
           so far as it is reasonably practical he should practice restraint

    Synonym: in so far so far to that extent to that degree