
insolvency [ɪn'sɒlvənsɪ]  [ɪnˈsɑlvənsi] 


insolvency 基本解释


名词破产; 无力偿付债务; 倒闭; 无偿债能力

insolvency 网络解释

1. 破产:除此之外,为确保证券结算系统的安全运作,CPSS/IOSCO也建议,在系统参加人破产(Insolvency)的情况下,不论该参加人是否位于对证券结算系统有管辖权国家的领域的内,有关该证券结算系统运作有关的规章与契约都应有其拘束力.

2. 资不抵债:有的学者认为恶意抵押的行为是违反诚实信用原则的行为法律应否定其效力;(5)有的学者认为债务人在实际处于资不抵债(Insolvency)的状态时为众多债权人之一设定抵押的行为违背诚实信用对其他债权人形成不公;

3. 无力偿还:在文献中通常采用的四个术语分别是:失败(failure)、无力偿还(insolvency)、违约(default)和破产(bankruptcy). 尽管这些术语有时可以相互混用,但在正式应用中它们还是有明显区别的.

insolvency 词典解释

1. insolvency的翻译

1. 无力偿清债务;不足抵偿债务;破产
    Insolvency is the state of not having enough money to pay your debts.

    e.g. ...companies on the brink of insolvency...
    e.g. The economy has entered a sharp downturn, and unemployment and insolvencies can be expected to increase.

insolvency 单语例句

1. insolvency

1. The German media software company Management Data said Tuesday it would file for insolvency after failing to secure the backing of new investors.

2. Added capacity at Chinese manufacturers has resulted in price declines that contributed to insolvency filings in December by Solar Millennium AG and Solon SE.


3. Financial infrastructure and its legal framework need to be upgraded, and a system for crisis management and insolvency schemes developed.

4. Employers in genuine difficulty can apply for the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund.

5. Nor can the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund resolve the payment.

6. The company stressed the value and necessity in sustaining its development despite its insolvency since it still has the operation foundation and ability.

7. Such a weak capital chain and the strict rules the government has imposed have already forced some speculators into insolvency.

8. insolvency的解释

8. Only if the guarantees are called in does a full insolvency occur, with the entire public debt being rescheduled.

9. All kinds of fees levied on them push them further to insolvency or the inevitable deterioration in quality.

10. insolvency

10. Banks in distress that are near insolvency should pay more for state support and face stricter safeguards.

insolvency 英英释义


1. the lack of financial resources