
inspired [ɪnˈspaɪəd]  [ɪnˈspaɪərd] 





inspired 基本解释


形容词有创造力的; 品质优秀的; 有雄心壮志的; (与名词、形容词以及副词构成形容词)受…影响的

动词激励; 鼓舞( inspire的过去式和过去分词 ); 赋予某人灵感; 启迪

inspired 网络解释


1. 激励:他从一个蹦蹦跳跳的小男孩起就开始在大家面前唱歌,在聚光灯下长大,激励(inspired)了一代又一代人. 他原定下个月开始的巡回演唱会的票在几个小时内被一抢而空,众多歌迷都在期待他王者归来. 突然间,大幕落下,在最不可能的时候.

2. 受启发的;受鼓舞的:innovate 改革,革新 | inspired 受启发的;受鼓舞的 | install 安装

3. 受激励:impressed 印象深刻 | inspired 受激励 | realize the importance of ...意识到... 的重要性

inspired 单语例句

1. The men's collection is inspired by Williamson's own wardrobe, mixing a dapper young gentleman's style with hot colors and attractive ethnic influences.

2. Their success has inspired TV production companies to buy up similar time travel tales for 2012.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Interestingly, the design was inspired by the birth of Donald and Melania Trump's son Barron William.

4. The frequent reports of domestic violence have inspired China's lawmakers to act.

5. Designer Chen Xuan's Horse Instinct is inspired by traditional Chinese ink paintings that often feature horses.

6. I was just so inspired by that movie, for whatever reason.

7. inspired的近义词

7. Its supporters claim to be outraged by human rights abuses and inspired by hope for a better world.

8. It is the ultimate symbol of luck and this " star " piece is inspired by the Great Bear legend.

9. inspired的近义词

9. This piece was inspired by the story of The Princess and the Frog.

10. He did not hide his pride for this particular dance piece which was inspired by Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring.

inspired 英英释义



1. inspired的意思

1. being of such surpassing excellence as to suggest inspiration by the gods

    e.g. her pies were simply divine
           the divine Shakespeare
           an elysian meal
           an inspired performance

    Synonym: divine elysian